Tap to unmute

Puma Messi and the talking tail.

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Messi is very rich in emotions)) His facial expressions, and even his tail speak of his emotions))
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@Iampuma 5 жыл бұрын
by Frefalling into grace: Sasha: And why are we being cranky? Masha: Is your own tail getting in your way? Sasha: Are you getting mad or something? Hellooo! Masha: Messyush? Sasha: What exactly is the problem? Are you just annoyed by everything? Masha speaks for Messi: Well, not by EVERYTHING. Today his tail is being very talkative. Messi is a handsome boy! Sasha: He's not! Masha: Yes, he is! Just look at him... Both: WHOZAHANDSOMEBOI... Messi's a handsome boy! Sasha: You're my wonderful bo... Messi interrupts Sasha by slapping him with his tail. Sasha: Oh I see. You wanna be a bad boy? Is that it? Masha: He's a GOOD boy. Messi slaps his tail again. Sasha: He's saying no to the "good boy" with his tail. So, are you a bad boy then? Messi slaps his tail again. Sasha: Ok, you're neither good nor bad - got it. Which one are you being right now? Messi is a boy with no attributes? Neither good, nor bad, nor anything? Masha: He's still deciding. Speaks for Messi: What do you want anyway? I'm just enjoying my peaceful rest over here. To Messi: Is Messi resting? Sasha: He's not. He's being annoyed. Masha: No, he's not. Sasha: Yes, he is, see? Ok, maybe he's done now. Masha playfully: What's going on over there? Sasha: Messi is done being mad. Masha: My baby, my sweet. Who has such cute plush paws? Who has such a pink nose? You're my precios boy. Someone's plush belly wants to be brushed. Paws together, covered by the tail. Messi slaps his tail. Masha: Did a fly get into your tail and is tickling you? Whispers: He's stretched out all the way. Sasha whispers: I got his tail between my legs. Masha to Messi: Daddy's got your tail just so that it doesn't bother you. Messi gets up to look. Masha: What's going on? Would you just look at this tail and its behaviour! Messyush, where's Messi's tail? Messi slaps his tail. Masha: There it is! Yes, a very beautiful tail. Just like a fox's. He's calmed down. Happy Tuesday everyone! 🙋‍♀️🐾🐯
@aideg5468 5 жыл бұрын
I_am_puma thank you I love watching your kitty he’s handsome ❤️
@chal3t 5 жыл бұрын
Me thinks he wants a belly rub. Lol!!!
@jeevitharaja2988 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for English translation love from Tamil Nadu India
@duewhit310 4 жыл бұрын
Messi: Thwack! May i sleep? Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
@kathryngeeslin9509 4 жыл бұрын
Toes curled but tail slashing, mixed messages here. Messi is so very precious. He is a beautiful boy.
@liannedoherty4816 2 жыл бұрын
Messi looks a little bored. It must be difficult to be so handsome and so famous! His face is irresistible and I would have to kiss him many times. The "tail flip" tells the story! Tell Messi I watch him when I am on break at work!
@waage4640 Жыл бұрын
So ein kleiner süßer Schatz. Wie flauschig sein Fell ist. Alles Liebe und Gute. ❤
@michellevanderbyl 5 жыл бұрын
Just when you think Messi couldn't get any cuter, we get a close up of his pretty pink nose and discover freckles. He's beyond lovely.
@spacewolfcub 5 жыл бұрын
2:34 By Bastet! You're right those are freckles!
@esthermiller2713 5 жыл бұрын
Michelle van der byl , FINALLY,.......someone who speaks ENGLISH!!! lol 😁👍🏻🇨🇦
@theinquisitorisamage1653 5 жыл бұрын
Aww, Messi has freckles? That's beyond adorable! 😀
@lonerhappy 5 жыл бұрын
He's so loved ❤️. So cute!
@freefallingintograce4634 5 жыл бұрын
Sasha: And why are we being cranky now? Masha: Is your tail getting in your way? Sasha: Are you having a reaction? Hellooo! Masha: Messyush? Sasha: What exactly is the problem? Are you just annoyed by everything? Masha speaks for Messi: Well, not by EVERYTHING. Today his tail is being very talkative. Messi is a handsome boy! Sasha: He's not! Masha: Yes, he is! Just look at him... Both: WHOZAHANDSOMEBOI... Messi's a handsome boy! Sasha: You're my wonderful bo... Messi interrupts Sasha by slapping Sasha with his tail. Sasha: Oh I see. You wanna be a bad boy? Is that it? Masha: He's a GOOD boy. Messi slaps Sasha with his tail again. Sasha: He's saying no to the "good boy" with his tail. So, are you a bad boy then? Messi slaps his tail again. Sasha: Ok, you're neither good nor bad - got it. Which one are you being right now? Messi is a boy with no attributes? Neither good, nor bad, nor anything? Masha: He's still deciding. Speaks for Messi: What do you want anyway? I'm just enjoying my rest over here. To Messi: Is Messi resting? Sasha: He's not. He's being annoyed. Masha: No, he's not. Sasha: Yes, he is, see? Ok, maybe he's done now. Masha playfully: What's going on over there? Sasha: Messi is done being mad. Masha: My baby, my sweet. Who has such cute plush paws? Who has such a pink nose? You're my precious, yes. Someone's plush belly wants to be brushed. Paws together, covered by the tail. Messi slaps his tail. Masha: Did a fly get into your tail and is tickling you? Whispers: He's sooo stretched out. Sasha whispers: I got his tail between my legs. Masha to Messi: Daddy's got your tail just so that it doesn't bother you. Messi gets up to look. Masha: What's going on? Would you just look at this tail and its behaviour! Messyush, where's Messi's tail? Messi slaps his tail. Masha: There it is! Yes, a very beautiful tail. Just like a fox's. He's calmed down. Happy Tuesday everyone! 🙋‍♀️🐾🐯 Sorry - just got home after work, and now I can have my well deserved dinner. 😂 I know how much you await the translation, but sometimes the timing doesn't work as well. The previous video (Ichel is getting used to Masha) now has my subtitles too!
@gerharddeusser9103 5 ай бұрын
Messy is highly intelligent... He came up with the "talking tail" only once, being to lazy to meow. He's a very special being, he is so inventive and observant ( like when he's observing the lake from the bed upstairs, so concentrated that Sasha felt neglected....) One could see that a lot of thought can go through his head. We don't need aliens from distant planets or galaxies to find intelligent, sentient beings to communicate. They are here, and we can even cuddle with them... ♥️🐈♥️😇👏🌅🎶🙏🐆♥️
@carrot9811 2 жыл бұрын
He loves his dad always
@ВасВас-с9х 5 жыл бұрын
Пока читал комменты,раз десять пересмотрел,жаль только лайк один можно поставить.✌
@stellabobrova871 5 жыл бұрын
Сладкий баловень,счастливый котик,какие у него чудесные родители!!!!!
@matthewgilmore4307 2 жыл бұрын
The tail slap probably means "when are these humans going to turn off the TV and lights and go to sleep already!"
@MiBaNiYa 5 жыл бұрын
Заняли Меськии диван и спрашивают в чем проблема🤣 Ну, вы наглые 🤣🤣🤣
@ОльгаГеннадьевна-п3ц 5 жыл бұрын
Не так !.. "..Ну вы тупые..." М. Задорнов.. ))))))))))
@ТатьянаБелова-ш5э 5 жыл бұрын
Грациозен, прекрасен этот кот с влекущим взглядом серо-голубых глаз. Такое чувство , что он понимает , как хорош и поэтому позволяет восхищаться собой.!💖
@СветланаМоисеенко-б4я 5 жыл бұрын
Перевожу с хвостового языка на человеческий :" я сплю еще, разговаривайте шепотом, плиз ! И просьба говорить обо мне только приятные слуху и душе вещи! " 😊👍😻
@_Elena_K 5 жыл бұрын
А подтекст этого поведения хвоста такой: "Опять сегодня к этой своей ходил, да?!"
@олегваськин-х2ь 5 жыл бұрын
Бубните тихо и монотоно? 😁
@СветланаМоисеенко-б4я 5 жыл бұрын
@@олегваськин-х2ь , именно! 😁
@НадеждаКрасинская-п7п 3 жыл бұрын
Как же все понимает.... Плохой, Саша говорит, а он бьёт хвостом!! Хороший, а он как ребенок 💞🌹 Реально какое-то Дитя Божье!!!
@ОльгаУскина 5 жыл бұрын
Ох беда, беда, беда Нету места для хвоста. Папа с Мамой уходите, Хвосту место уступите.
@jekaterinanemeth3052 3 жыл бұрын
Супер смешно! 🤣🤣🤣😄🌹
@dilyazaripova7269 3 жыл бұрын
Классно 🤣🤣🤣
@saulesadykova2731 4 жыл бұрын
Мессёнок терпеливо ждёт, что Па догадается убрать ноги, а Па мало того, что не догадывается, а продолжает "гундеть" хороший или плохой и тд 😅
@лизакурбатова-ш2г 5 жыл бұрын
Что не понятного?! Ноги убери, коту места малоооооо!🤗❤
@Lira76 5 жыл бұрын
Точно подмечено!
@tanjan7188 5 жыл бұрын
@olgavoronova8998 5 жыл бұрын
Так Саша итак на краешке дивана)))
@MissPsychiatrist 5 жыл бұрын
@@olgavoronova8998 в том-то и дело)) Именно краешка не хватало до полного счастья))
@elvira244 4 жыл бұрын
Большая кошка.мдааааа
@Melinda8162 4 жыл бұрын
He looks so cuddly lay there!! Doesn’t even look real!! But, I know he is! 😁😁
@madkins77765 5 жыл бұрын
Messi is the coolest puma on KZbin and truly the only domesticated mountain lion to probably ever exist. Just like a house cat. 🐱
@yamdale4519 5 жыл бұрын
So true.
@fzoulcmbyl2134 5 жыл бұрын
There are a couple, but not near as cool as Messi.; )
@paulis4278 5 жыл бұрын
@@fzoulcmbyl2134 They are probably tamed not domesticated!!!
@madkins77765 5 жыл бұрын
Exactly there are some tamed ones but not fully domesticated like Messi. He loves everyone just like a normal house cat. Big cats like that generally gravitate to their owners and they are not friendly with everyone else. Messi is something special. I would loveeeee to have puma just like him.
@fzoulcmbyl2134 5 жыл бұрын
I know of 2, I was pretty sure Pum from Bobcat TB channel was friendly with everyone, same with the other cats there.The other one was another Russian couple, not too much info on them, but they took it out on walks, rides in the car.
@ashleyshiba8380 3 жыл бұрын
LOL, the biggest couch potato! This puma is not missing the wild at all and enjoying every minute of his life.
@dougauzene8389 5 жыл бұрын
Such a Sweet Boy...Big, Furry Tail Does A Lot of Talking...LOVE That Face & Big Paws Too! THANK YOU, Mom & Dad, For Sharing Messi With Us!
@olgaolga3220 4 жыл бұрын
Самый красивый кот в мире.А нос так вообще шедевр.А воспитание тоже отличное терпит родителей
@ЕленаЕраскина-о3м 5 жыл бұрын
Миленький котик чем то расстроен! Виноваты папины ноги- хвостик положить некуда!🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍♥️♥️♥️
@dilyazaripova7269 3 жыл бұрын
Да это точно почему то па не догадиваеться
@mxcmxdmx 5 жыл бұрын
Он ещё и приподнимался пару раз с таким выражением мол неужели мои намеки убрать ваши ноги с кровати непонятны? 😂😂😂
@ЛарисаКабанова-о7о 3 жыл бұрын
Месси договорись с хвостом чтобы так не выражался.
@ТатьянаКислюк-х7м 3 жыл бұрын
С моей кровати!!!
@surendrannair4394 5 жыл бұрын
Our Messi is in a relaxing mood 😂 😅😜.. don't disturb him...
@likalike9719 5 жыл бұрын
14 тыс человек поцеловали экран телефона, когда камера показала носик крупным планом😂😂😂😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
@daskapital3532 3 жыл бұрын
Уже 21 тыс поцеловали
@dilyazaripova7269 3 жыл бұрын
Согласно с вами
@amapola5380 2 жыл бұрын
@vcr210 5 жыл бұрын
Messi!!! Greatest Puma in the world!!
@merrellpayment 2 жыл бұрын
This is a common cat tail activity. The tale of the thinking tail. Thought overload. I think his tail is overheating.
@77777MSS 5 жыл бұрын
Messi has the cutest face and ears. So handsome. Messi is a star in his own movie.
@freefallingintograce4634 5 жыл бұрын
Sasha: And why are we being cranky now? Masha: Is your tail getting in your way? Sasha: Are you having a reaction? Hellooo! Masha: Messyush? Sasha: What exactly is the problem? Are you just annoyed by everything? Masha speaks for Messi: Well, not by EVERYTHING. Today his tail is being very talkative. Messi is a handsome boy! Sasha: He's not! Masha: Yes, he is! Just look at him... Both: WHOZAHANDSOMEBOI... Messi's a handsome boy! Sasha: You're my wonderful bo... Messi interrupts Sasha by slapping Sasha with his tail. Sasha: Oh I see. You wanna be a bad boy? Is that it? Masha: He's a GOOD boy. Messi slaps Sasha with his tail again. Sasha: He's saying no to the "good boy" with his tail. So, are you a bad boy then? Messi slaps his tail again. Sasha: Ok, you're neither good nor bad - got it. Which one are you being right now? Messi is a boy with no attributes? Neither good, nor bad, nor anything? Masha: He's still deciding. Speaks for Messi: What do you want anyway? I'm just enjoying my rest over here. To Messi: Is Messi resting? Sasha: He's not. He's being annoyed. Masha: No, he's not. Sasha: Yes, he is, see? Ok, maybe he's done now. Masha playfully: What's going on over there? Sasha: Messi is done being mad. Masha: My baby, my sweet. Who has such cute plush paws? Who has such a pink nose? You're my precious, yes. Someone's plush belly wants to be brushed. Paws together, covered by the tail. Messi slaps his tail. Masha: Did a fly get into your tail and is tickling you? Whispers: He's sooo stretched out. Sasha whispers: I got his tail between my legs. Masha to Messi: Daddy's got your tail just so that it doesn't bother you. Messi gets up to look. Masha: What's going on? Would you just look at this tail and its behaviour! Messyush, where's Messi's tail? Messi slaps his tail. Masha: There it is! Yes, a very beautiful tail. Just like a fox's. He's calmed down. Happy Tuesday everyone! 🙋‍♀️🐾🐯 Sorry - just got home after work, and now I can have my well deserved dinner. 😂 I know how much you await the translation, but sometimes the timing doesn't work as well. The previous video (Ichel is getting used to Masha) now has my subtitles too!
@koolbeanz3525 5 жыл бұрын
I am always amazed on how beautiful he is!
@feliciaecheverria 5 жыл бұрын
Messi is precious.
@yunobbcatvlog3391 5 жыл бұрын
Messi is super adorable big cat sooo cute😻😻😻
@gerharddeusser9103 5 жыл бұрын
Messi the great communicator... He can even talk with his tail.!
@МикаСтар 5 жыл бұрын
Ну Месси красивый, просто капец!!!!!!
@sharonthompson9595 4 жыл бұрын
I wonder what Sasha does for a living, he is so bright & cheerful, & Masha is such a cheerful & pretty lady, they make a handsome couple. Does Masha work with Sacha?
@craigtillotson9194 5 жыл бұрын
Messi is a amazing big cat !! Thanks for sharing !! Watching your videos all the way from New Zealand
@andlehay3973 5 жыл бұрын
@jeanettewylie1804 5 жыл бұрын
New Zealand.......... wow 😁😘
@geriardovich 4 жыл бұрын
Какой же он няшный! Плюшка разбалованная...обнять его и заснуть.
@marquamfurniture 5 жыл бұрын
Messi has SO MUCH personality! Even a sense of humor!
@olgaplechkov8954 5 жыл бұрын
@freefallingintograce4634 5 жыл бұрын
Sasha: And why are we being cranky now? Masha: Is your tail getting in your way? Sasha: Are you having a reaction? Hellooo! Masha: Messyush? Sasha: What exactly is the problem? Are you just annoyed by everything? Masha speaks for Messi: Well, not by EVERYTHING. Today his tail is being very talkative. Messi is a handsome boy! Sasha: He's not! Masha: Yes, he is! Just look at him... Both: WHOZAHANDSOMEBOI... Messi's a handsome boy! Sasha: You're my wonderful bo... Messi interrupts Sasha by slapping Sasha with his tail. Sasha: Oh I see. You wanna be a bad boy? Is that it? Masha: He's a GOOD boy. Messi slaps Sasha with his tail again. Sasha: He's saying no to the "good boy" with his tail. So, are you a bad boy then? Messi slaps his tail again. Sasha: Ok, you're neither good nor bad - got it. Which one are you being right now? Messi is a boy with no attributes? Neither good, nor bad, nor anything? Masha: He's still deciding. Speaks for Messi: What do you want anyway? I'm just enjoying my rest over here. To Messi: Is Messi resting? Sasha: He's not. He's being annoyed. Masha: No, he's not. Sasha: Yes, he is, see? Ok, maybe he's done now. Masha playfully: What's going on over there? Sasha: Messi is done being mad. Masha: My baby, my sweet. Who has such cute plush paws? Who has such a pink nose? You're my precious, yes. Someone's plush belly wants to be brushed. Paws together, covered by the tail. Messi slaps his tail. Masha: Did a fly get into your tail and is tickling you? Whispers: He's sooo stretched out. Sasha whispers: I got his tail between my legs. Masha to Messi: Daddy's got your tail just so that it doesn't bother you. Messi gets up to look. Masha: What's going on? Would you just look at this tail and its behaviour! Messyush, where's Messi's tail? Messi slaps his tail. Masha: There it is! Yes, a very beautiful tail. Just like a fox's. He's calmed down. Happy Tuesday everyone! 🙋‍♀️🐾🐯 Sorry - just got home after work, and now I can have my well deserved dinner. 😂 I know how much you await the translation, but sometimes the timing doesn't work as well. The previous video (Ichel is getting used to Masha) now has my subtitles too!
@flyinphil42 Жыл бұрын
The tale of the talking tail ! 😂
@Strelec77 5 жыл бұрын
До чего же он , красивый....❤
@Эльфийка-г5с 5 жыл бұрын
Месси! Лапушка, милота, красотуля,хвостик не хотел засыпать,а Месси почти ...дремал.Вот такой хвостик игривый😋
@magneticman2003 5 жыл бұрын
Oh that is so cute, your furry baby talking with his tail...and his face...warm wishes and hugs;-))
@freefallingintograce4634 5 жыл бұрын
Sasha: And why are we being cranky now? Masha: Is your tail getting in your way? Sasha: Are you having a reaction? Hellooo! Masha: Messyush? Sasha: What exactly is the problem? Are you just annoyed by everything? Masha speaks for Messi: Well, not by EVERYTHING. Today his tail is being very talkative. Messi is a handsome boy! Sasha: He's not! Masha: Yes, he is! Just look at him... Both: WHOZAHANDSOMEBOI... Messi's a handsome boy! Sasha: You're my wonderful bo... Messi interrupts Sasha by slapping Sasha with his tail. Sasha: Oh I see. You wanna be a bad boy? Is that it? Masha: He's a GOOD boy. Messi slaps Sasha with his tail again. Sasha: He's saying no to the "good boy" with his tail. So, are you a bad boy then? Messi slaps his tail again. Sasha: Ok, you're neither good nor bad - got it. Which one are you being right now? Messi is a boy with no attributes? Neither good, nor bad, nor anything? Masha: He's still deciding. Speaks for Messi: What do you want anyway? I'm just enjoying my rest over here. To Messi: Is Messi resting? Sasha: He's not. He's being annoyed. Masha: No, he's not. Sasha: Yes, he is, see? Ok, maybe he's done now. Masha playfully: What's going on over there? Sasha: Messi is done being mad. Masha: My baby, my sweet. Who has such cute plush paws? Who has such a pink nose? You're my precious, yes. Someone's plush belly wants to be brushed. Paws together, covered by the tail. Messi slaps his tail. Masha: Did a fly get into your tail and is tickling you? Whispers: He's sooo stretched out. Sasha whispers: I got his tail between my legs. Masha to Messi: Daddy's got your tail just so that it doesn't bother you. Messi gets up to look. Masha: What's going on? Would you just look at this tail and its behaviour! Messyush, where's Messi's tail? Messi slaps his tail. Masha: There it is! Yes, a very beautiful tail. Just like a fox's. He's calmed down. Happy Tuesday everyone! 🙋‍♀️🐾🐯 Sorry - just got home after work, and now I can have my well deserved dinner. 😂 I know how much you await the translation, but sometimes the timing doesn't work as well. The previous video (Ichel is getting used to Masha) now has my subtitles too!
@annafilippova7511 2 жыл бұрын
Лапы он хочет удобно положить ))) Суперский кот!
@ВладимирЧапайкин-у4р 5 жыл бұрын
Перевожу с кошачьего: _"Подвинься! Разлёгся тут! Лапы вытянуть негде!"_
@mussongal1232 5 жыл бұрын
I agree. Я согласен
@janicekassner7654 5 жыл бұрын
There is only one Messi--he is like no other animal! Thank you for sharing him with the world through youtube.
@fatbottombiker3038 5 жыл бұрын
That may be the sweetest boy in the entire world! How can you NOT love that face?!?! 😻❤️
@scraplife6648 5 жыл бұрын
Какое милое видео, просмеялась все 4,5 минуты😆😆😆тут и на мордочке море эмоций, а уж "вопли" хвоста услышали все))) особенно на "Месси никакой!"😀
@Hunter-vz6ve 5 жыл бұрын
Messi looking beyond adorable. Me: Smitten for life.😍♥️✨
@freefallingintograce4634 5 жыл бұрын
Sasha: And why are we being cranky now? Masha: Is your tail getting in your way? Sasha: Are you having a reaction? Hellooo! Masha: Messyush? Sasha: What exactly is the problem? Are you just annoyed by everything? Masha speaks for Messi: Well, not by EVERYTHING. Today his tail is being very talkative. Messi is a handsome boy! Sasha: He's not! Masha: Yes, he is! Just look at him... Both: WHOZAHANDSOMEBOI... Messi's a handsome boy! Sasha: You're my wonderful bo... Messi interrupts Sasha by slapping Sasha with his tail. Sasha: Oh I see. You wanna be a bad boy? Is that it? Masha: He's a GOOD boy. Messi slaps Sasha with his tail again. Sasha: He's saying no to the "good boy" with his tail. So, are you a bad boy then? Messi slaps his tail again. Sasha: Ok, you're neither good nor bad - got it. Which one are you being right now? Messi is a boy with no attributes? Neither good, nor bad, nor anything? Masha: He's still deciding. Speaks for Messi: What do you want anyway? I'm just enjoying my rest over here. To Messi: Is Messi resting? Sasha: He's not. He's being annoyed. Masha: No, he's not. Sasha: Yes, he is, see? Ok, maybe he's done now. Masha playfully: What's going on over there? Sasha: Messi is done being mad. Masha: My baby, my sweet. Who has such cute plush paws? Who has such a pink nose? You're my precious, yes. Someone's plush belly wants to be brushed. Paws together, covered by the tail. Messi slaps his tail. Masha: Did a fly get into your tail and is tickling you? Whispers: He's sooo stretched out. Sasha whispers: I got his tail between my legs. Masha to Messi: Daddy's got your tail just so that it doesn't bother you. Messi gets up to look. Masha: What's going on? Would you just look at this tail and its behaviour! Messyush, where's Messi's tail? Messi slaps his tail. Masha: There it is! Yes, a very beautiful tail. Just like a fox's. He's calmed down. Happy Tuesday everyone! 🙋‍♀️🐾🐯 Sorry - just got home after work, and now I can have my well deserved dinner. 😂 I know how much you await the translation, but sometimes the timing doesn't work as well. The previous video (Ichel is getting used to Masha) now has my subtitles too!
@dpg227 3 жыл бұрын
Your cat is too adorable!
@eleonoramaria 5 жыл бұрын
Good morning Messi , you made my day ❣️ 💋💋💋 from England
@freefallingintograce4634 5 жыл бұрын
Sasha: And why are we being cranky now? Masha: Is your tail getting in your way? Sasha: Are you having a reaction? Hellooo! Masha: Messyush? Sasha: What exactly is the problem? Are you just annoyed by everything? Masha speaks for Messi: Well, not by EVERYTHING. Today his tail is being very talkative. Messi is a handsome boy! Sasha: He's not! Masha: Yes, he is! Just look at him... Both: WHOZAHANDSOMEBOI... Messi's a handsome boy! Sasha: You're my wonderful bo... Messi interrupts Sasha by slapping Sasha with his tail. Sasha: Oh I see. You wanna be a bad boy? Is that it? Masha: He's a GOOD boy. Messi slaps Sasha with his tail again. Sasha: He's saying no to the "good boy" with his tail. So, are you a bad boy then? Messi slaps his tail again. Sasha: Ok, you're neither good nor bad - got it. Which one are you being right now? Messi is a boy with no attributes? Neither good, nor bad, nor anything? Masha: He's still deciding. Speaks for Messi: What do you want anyway? I'm just enjoying my rest over here. To Messi: Is Messi resting? Sasha: He's not. He's being annoyed. Masha: No, he's not. Sasha: Yes, he is, see? Ok, maybe he's done now. Masha playfully: What's going on over there? Sasha: Messi is done being mad. Masha: My baby, my sweet. Who has such cute plush paws? Who has such a pink nose? You're my precious, yes. Someone's plush belly wants to be brushed. Paws together, covered by the tail. Messi slaps his tail. Masha: Did a fly get into your tail and is tickling you? Whispers: He's sooo stretched out. Sasha whispers: I got his tail between my legs. Masha to Messi: Daddy's got your tail just so that it doesn't bother you. Messi gets up to look. Masha: What's going on? Would you just look at this tail and its behaviour! Messyush, where's Messi's tail? Messi slaps his tail. Masha: There it is! Yes, a very beautiful tail. Just like a fox's. He's calmed down. Happy Tuesday everyone! 🙋‍♀️🐾🐯 Sorry - just got home after work, and now I can have my well deserved dinner. 😂 I know how much you await the translation, but sometimes the timing doesn't work as well. The previous video (Ichel is getting used to Masha) now has my subtitles too!
@Siuyendiana 10 ай бұрын
🥰Messiusha🐾: Love your tail dear boy!!!!
@ЭллаДорсо 5 жыл бұрын
Месси - это чудо! Он какой-то не реальный....! Добрейший, нежнейший, умнейший пум!!! И хвост у него классный, и говорящий!!!
@_Elena_K 5 жыл бұрын
Да, это точно! Каждый раз смотришь и диву даёшься: ну как такое может быть))
@ПётрКарга-ь6о 4 жыл бұрын
Это кугуар , а кугуары легко приручаются, они очень верные и дружелюбные кошки, самые большие кошки из класса малых кошачьих
@susanhelms9260 4 жыл бұрын
Beautiful eyes, handsome boy. Thank you for giving the beautiful creature a chance to live.
@pepemmag4545 5 жыл бұрын
Am glad to see that Messi is back on bed where he used to cuddle his mom and dad..thank you guys..love u MISSI
@ЕленаЖалнина-у3я 5 жыл бұрын
Какое солнышко! Хочется обнять и потискать! Места ему мало! Подвинтесь чуть-чуть!
@howiegrossman1546 5 жыл бұрын
Wow so nice cozy,house looks fantastic Messi look fantastic I think that’s fantastic 💕😘💕😘😘😘😘😘
@artandminis7777 5 жыл бұрын
@imaplayainmyownmind 5 жыл бұрын
Your comment is fantastic!!!!! 9.7/10
@lbl9066 4 жыл бұрын
This sweet boy has the most beautiful face, and sweet eyes
@desilike8008 5 жыл бұрын
Ноги ваши ему мешают.Развалились людишки на Месином ложе:-) :-) :-) :-) Ему свои лапти вытянуть негде:-)
@nikkispark6477 5 жыл бұрын
Учитывая, что эти "лапти" к Ичельке ходят... Ревнует Меська...
@ИринаМуравьева-о5э 5 жыл бұрын
Да, да, да👍😻💋
@ВалентинаКузнецова-ш8ы 5 жыл бұрын
А ещё мешают своими разговора 🙈😂
@ЮлияШишкина-ш6и 5 жыл бұрын
Да явно ноги Машины мешают)) он их уже и лапами, и хвостом... Не понимают людишки
@alexandrashpetnaya 5 жыл бұрын
@@ЮлияШишкина-ш6и Да не Машины, а Сашины ноги хвостом обрабатывают и лапами, Маша предусмотрительно подобрала ноги!)))
@susankeenan6640 8 ай бұрын
What a cute cat❤❤
@patriciabennett1819 5 жыл бұрын
Messi is so receptive of all the love and affection he receives. Oh he is handsome and so adorable . Has the cute factor for certainI adore seeing interact with his Daddy and he is so very happy. Due to special attention and endless love and utmost care. Masha also has that special gift of connecting with such beautiful emotion and love. May you all continue and have so much success compassion and love and future be blessed. Thank you so very much.
@user-dj5qf3op7f Жыл бұрын
Папа, вот ты мешаешь мне, хвост и лапы не помещаются, а ты улёгся тут понимаешь😂😂😂😂
@sherrihinton8567 5 жыл бұрын
Prince Messi looks a little grumpy. Did he miss his nap. No matter he is so handsome and fun.
@freefallingintograce4634 5 жыл бұрын
Sasha: And why are we being cranky now? Masha: Is your tail getting in your way? Sasha: Are you having a reaction? Hellooo! Masha: Messyush? Sasha: What exactly is the problem? Are you just annoyed by everything? Masha speaks for Messi: Well, not by EVERYTHING. Today his tail is being very talkative. Messi is a handsome boy! Sasha: He's not! Masha: Yes, he is! Just look at him... Both: WHOZAHANDSOMEBOI... Messi's a handsome boy! Sasha: You're my wonderful bo... Messi interrupts Sasha by slapping Sasha with his tail. Sasha: Oh I see. You wanna be a bad boy? Is that it? Masha: He's a GOOD boy. Messi slaps Sasha with his tail again. Sasha: He's saying no to the "good boy" with his tail. So, are you a bad boy then? Messi slaps his tail again. Sasha: Ok, you're neither good nor bad - got it. Which one are you being right now? Messi is a boy with no attributes? Neither good, nor bad, nor anything? Masha: He's still deciding. Speaks for Messi: What do you want anyway? I'm just enjoying my rest over here. To Messi: Is Messi resting? Sasha: He's not. He's being annoyed. Masha: No, he's not. Sasha: Yes, he is, see? Ok, maybe he's done now. Masha playfully: What's going on over there? Sasha: Messi is done being mad. Masha: My baby, my sweet. Who has such cute plush paws? Who has such a pink nose? You're my precious, yes. Someone's plush belly wants to be brushed. Paws together, covered by the tail. Messi slaps his tail. Masha: Did a fly get into your tail and is tickling you? Whispers: He's sooo stretched out. Sasha whispers: I got his tail between my legs. Masha to Messi: Daddy's got your tail just so that it doesn't bother you. Messi gets up to look. Masha: What's going on? Would you just look at this tail and its behaviour! Messyush, where's Messi's tail? Messi slaps his tail. Masha: There it is! Yes, a very beautiful tail. Just like a fox's. He's calmed down. Happy Tuesday everyone! 🙋‍♀️🐾🐯 Sorry - just got home after work, and now I can have my well deserved dinner. 😂 I know how much you await the translation, but sometimes the timing doesn't work as well. The previous video (Ichel is getting used to Masha) now has my subtitles too!
@sherrihinton8567 5 жыл бұрын
@@freefallingintograce4634 oh how very cool
@ТхоривскийЖеня 3 жыл бұрын
Ну что сказать, это балованный любимый кот !
@pomponl.2087 5 жыл бұрын
A good coffee☕, a few minutes of relaxation watching this adorable video full of sweetness and tenderness😍. What a wonderful way to start a working day👌👍. Thank you 🙏for this little moment which allows time to stop a little and give us a little respite in a life that is a perpetual race😥. Ok, I see my boss is coming😣. It's time to get to work👩‍💻. I wish a nice day to everybody.☀️☀️☀️🌞🌞🌞
@Rosinka9 5 жыл бұрын
Have a nice day! 🔆 Say hello to the boss 😉
@pomponl.2087 5 жыл бұрын
@@Rosinka9 Hello!👋Thank you! I will not fail to say hello to my boss from you😉
@Artearq7 5 жыл бұрын
¡Ja, ja! ¡cuidado con el jefe! ;-)
@asw103nl 5 жыл бұрын
Pompon L. 7:10 a.m. here in Texas. Love to wake up and see all this lovely and lively “chatter”. Have a great rest of your day!
@pomponl.2087 5 жыл бұрын
@@asw103nl Thank you🙏 It's a real pleasure to chat with people from all over the world🌍🌎🌏And all that, thanks to our international superstar🌟: I appointed Mr Messi👑
@Cross_84 4 жыл бұрын
I absolutely adore this cat
@bethelle9099 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the closeup on Messis face... Now THAT is purrrrrfection!!!!!!!! 😸😻😸
@freefallingintograce4634 5 жыл бұрын
Sasha: And why are we being cranky now? Masha: Is your tail getting in your way? Sasha: Are you having a reaction? Hellooo! Masha: Messyush? Sasha: What exactly is the problem? Are you just annoyed by everything? Masha speaks for Messi: Well, not by EVERYTHING. Today his tail is being very talkative. Messi is a handsome boy! Sasha: He's not! Masha: Yes, he is! Just look at him... Both: WHOZAHANDSOMEBOI... Messi's a handsome boy! Sasha: You're my wonderful bo... Messi interrupts Sasha by slapping Sasha with his tail. Sasha: Oh I see. You wanna be a bad boy? Is that it? Masha: He's a GOOD boy. Messi slaps Sasha with his tail again. Sasha: He's saying no to the "good boy" with his tail. So, are you a bad boy then? Messi slaps his tail again. Sasha: Ok, you're neither good nor bad - got it. Which one are you being right now? Messi is a boy with no attributes? Neither good, nor bad, nor anything? Masha: He's still deciding. Speaks for Messi: What do you want anyway? I'm just enjoying my rest over here. To Messi: Is Messi resting? Sasha: He's not. He's being annoyed. Masha: No, he's not. Sasha: Yes, he is, see? Ok, maybe he's done now. Masha playfully: What's going on over there? Sasha: Messi is done being mad. Masha: My baby, my sweet. Who has such cute plush paws? Who has such a pink nose? You're my precious, yes. Someone's plush belly wants to be brushed. Paws together, covered by the tail. Messi slaps his tail. Masha: Did a fly get into your tail and is tickling you? Whispers: He's sooo stretched out. Sasha whispers: I got his tail between my legs. Masha to Messi: Daddy's got your tail just so that it doesn't bother you. Messi gets up to look. Masha: What's going on? Would you just look at this tail and its behaviour! Messyush, where's Messi's tail? Messi slaps his tail. Masha: There it is! Yes, a very beautiful tail. Just like a fox's. He's calmed down. Happy Tuesday everyone! 🙋‍♀️🐾🐯 Sorry - just got home after work, and now I can have my well deserved dinner. 😂 I know how much you await the translation, but sometimes the timing doesn't work as well. The previous video (Ichel is getting used to Masha) now has my subtitles too!
@ginadisbrow9324 2 жыл бұрын
Messi the incomparable!! I love him so much!😻😘🥰🐈🐆
@chairmanwalchn4849 5 жыл бұрын
Good Morning Family 👋🏻☕️😻
@ahra5146 5 жыл бұрын
Как он еще с края кровати не чебурахнулся)))Умилительный кот.
@romygime5822 5 жыл бұрын
Awww! Messi is relaxing Do not want to be disturb' Tail said.
@bumpymoon5416 5 жыл бұрын
Beautiful Messie healing hearts❤❤❤❤ all around the World...
@tatyana.petrenko 5 жыл бұрын
"Па, да убери ты уже свои ноги, развалился, мешаешь" 😂 😂 😂
@mr.mondal. 3 жыл бұрын
It's so cute moments........
@ВладимирИванов-щ5э9ц 5 жыл бұрын
Ну вот, как его можно не любить, он же уникальный кот!!!!
@ТатьянаБелова-ш5э 5 жыл бұрын
Верно! Он -один такой , необыкновенный!💖
@aliciarestrepo9045 4 жыл бұрын
Me gusta mucho ver los vídeos pero más si fueran en español los felicitó gracias mil
@deidreperryman172 5 жыл бұрын
OMG!!! Such a big baby Messi is.. So comfortable in his surroundings. You can just see the love he has for his parents, and that love is returned too. I hope Ichel will one day feel the same. Thanks for sharing, love your home, take care God Bless
@miglena2s 4 жыл бұрын
There are many pumas. But only one Messi. I Am Messi! ❤
@АлмажанЖаманбалинова 5 жыл бұрын
Ему важно чувствовать, что ноги Саши рядом и хвостом проверяет, а Мария обязательно все это снимала. Я вам очень желаю, долгих лет жизни. Месси очень все так чувствует, вашу любовь.🌹🌹🌹♥️👍
@Sunshinexoxo4795 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, Messi is healing hearts al around the globe and who knew it would take a Puma to bring people together from all around the world in peace, love and affection into his KZbin.It took a cougar to do it. That's magic I say. He is a Angel as we see. His tail wagging bc he probably doesn't want to go into his own Puma house bc Cougars love blankets. He probably wants the the tv off and the lights out and he's getting annoyed as you can tell by his wagging tail but bc he's got such a old soul he maintains his cool bc he is the famous Puma cougar Messi and he wouldn't want nothing to destroy his popularity and his wonderful persona.
@石川雅美-z9w 5 жыл бұрын
Чувства и ответы Месси можно легко понять по выражению его лица и хвосту. Ни у одной другой Puma нет такого нежного лица, как у Месси при просмотре других видео о Puma. Пума Месси, которая действительно спокойна, умна и любит людей, замечательна
@OlGa-sp8nx 5 жыл бұрын
Кот из игривого подростка перешел в стадию озабоченного домовладельца. С тех пор, как переехал в большой дом, почти не шалит и не играет.
@石川雅美-z9w 5 жыл бұрын
@@OlGa-sp8nx Кот из игривого подростка перешел в стадию озабоченного домовладельца. С тех пор, как переехал в большой дом, почти не шалит и не играет. Но Месси знает, что привязанность владельца не уменьшилась
@evgenmentor 2 жыл бұрын
Месси ты прекрасен!))))))😂😍😍
@msj2928 5 жыл бұрын
@innab7724 5 жыл бұрын
Это не Месси, а плюшевая игрушка! До чего же хорош!
@ОльгаБугрова-и3ч 5 жыл бұрын
Потому что молча надо лежать!!!! 😂😂😂
@joe88776 5 жыл бұрын
Masha is soooooooo cute the way she speaks.
@dennisjanda5081 5 жыл бұрын
Messi's tail doubles as a fan !!
@Светлана-я1и7к 2 жыл бұрын
Месси хороший
@iSh4rkly_TV 5 жыл бұрын
За день все вы натрудились, Отдохнуть расположились, Ну и Месси не отстал, Видно тоже он устал. Только хвостику нет места И выходит Месси тесно, Ноги Сашины мешают И Мессюша предлагает, Их с пути хвоста убрать. С комфортом хочется лежать.
@ТатьянаБелова-ш5э 5 жыл бұрын
Спасибо за поэтический всплеск!👌🌷
@jullystarn648 5 жыл бұрын
@ТатьянаБогаченко-х6г 5 жыл бұрын
Очень красивые стихи вы пишете
@НатальяДоровских-б8й 5 жыл бұрын
Какая Вы классная!!!
@АлександрИванов-е4ш2н 5 жыл бұрын
Агния Барто
@deloreswapenski8209 4 жыл бұрын
Messi and family are our tranquil time in this crazy world. Thank you for sharing. LOL 💓💞💕
@Sju81 5 жыл бұрын
Нос крупным планом- для всех страждущих чмокнуть и не промахнуться))
@tanjan7188 5 жыл бұрын
@ТатьянаБелова-ш5э 5 жыл бұрын
Нос -нечто ! Мы все в порыве его целовать!😘😘😘
@nnnddd1966 5 жыл бұрын
Не знаю почувствовал или нет , но сегодня я его зацеловала . Неимоверное чудо .
@ТатьянаБелова-ш5э 5 жыл бұрын
@@nnnddd1966 , мы здесь все -чеконутые 😂😂😂Меськин нос - наша слабость!
@nnnddd1966 5 жыл бұрын
@@ТатьянаБелова-ш5э но оно такое хорошее это котятко .
@amsodoneworkingnow1978 4 жыл бұрын
Nothing but nothing speaks as eloquently as the tail of any feline. And Messi is a master communicator in every sense, vocal, eyes, ears, tail, facial expressions and body language
@freakari6178 5 жыл бұрын
Messi is so cute 😍
@bmiller9457 5 жыл бұрын
It was sweet of Messi to share his bed with his mom and dad!!! He is such a gorgeous kitty!!!!!!! I love him!!!!!!! God bless your beautiful family! ❤️♥️❤️💕
@freefallingintograce4634 5 жыл бұрын
Sasha: And why are we being cranky now? Masha: Is your tail getting in your way? Sasha: Are you having a reaction? Hellooo! Masha: Messyush? Sasha: What exactly is the problem? Are you just annoyed by everything? Masha speaks for Messi: Well, not by EVERYTHING. Today his tail is being very talkative. Messi is a handsome boy! Sasha: He's not! Masha: Yes, he is! Just look at him... Both: WHOZAHANDSOMEBOI... Messi's a handsome boy! Sasha: You're my wonderful bo... Messi interrupts Sasha by slapping Sasha with his tail. Sasha: Oh I see. You wanna be a bad boy? Is that it? Masha: He's a GOOD boy. Messi slaps Sasha with his tail again. Sasha: He's saying no to the "good boy" with his tail. So, are you a bad boy then? Messi slaps his tail again. Sasha: Ok, you're neither good nor bad - got it. Which one are you being right now? Messi is a boy with no attributes? Neither good, nor bad, nor anything? Masha: He's still deciding. Speaks for Messi: What do you want anyway? I'm just enjoying my rest over here. To Messi: Is Messi resting? Sasha: He's not. He's being annoyed. Masha: No, he's not. Sasha: Yes, he is, see? Ok, maybe he's done now. Masha playfully: What's going on over there? Sasha: Messi is done being mad. Masha: My baby, my sweet. Who has such cute plush paws? Who has such a pink nose? You're my precious, yes. Someone's plush belly wants to be brushed. Paws together, covered by the tail. Messi slaps his tail. Masha: Did a fly get into your tail and is tickling you? Whispers: He's sooo stretched out. Sasha whispers: I got his tail between my legs. Masha to Messi: Daddy's got your tail just so that it doesn't bother you. Messi gets up to look. Masha: What's going on? Would you just look at this tail and its behaviour! Messyush, where's Messi's tail? Messi slaps his tail. Masha: There it is! Yes, a very beautiful tail. Just like a fox's. He's calmed down. Happy Tuesday everyone! 🙋‍♀️🐾🐯 Sorry - just got home after work, and now I can have my well deserved dinner. 😂 I know how much you await the translation, but sometimes the timing doesn't work as well. The previous video (Ichel is getting used to Masha) now has my subtitles too!
@dianwxe 5 жыл бұрын
Месси такой милафка😍
@robertnicholls9917 5 жыл бұрын
I love when people can understand the way animals communicate. It's all subtle body language. They understand us when we talk but we don't take the time to understand the way they communicate.
@tchus2811 5 жыл бұрын
Чудо а не кот! И очень хвосторазговорчивый! А ещё зайку сделал, правда лёжа!
@juliecavanagh6313 5 жыл бұрын
Oh how we accommodate our kitties ❤💕 The best is when he looks at Sasha's legs like, "Dude, do I have to spell it out for you?!"
@giovanna722 5 жыл бұрын
Haha! I know. So passive- aggressive.😄
@mikevandebunt811 5 жыл бұрын
During the whole video I was expecting Messi to accidentally roll off the end of the bed. ☺
@hkrug666 5 жыл бұрын
Me too! If that were one of my cats, they definitely would have rolled off. lol
@elizabethroberts9117 5 жыл бұрын
Messi Wants Daddy's Legs To Roll Off The Bed...... LOL
@tacray6247 4 жыл бұрын
Spoiler alert please...
@CH-qk9gs 5 жыл бұрын
Какая же он няшечка!!! Вечером, после тяжелого трудового дня, эти глаза - как успокоительное!
@helenhello2375 5 жыл бұрын
Это так по-кошачьи: занять большую часть кровати и еще возмущаться, что где-то тааам - на краюшку матраса - теснятся еще чьи-то ноги ;))
@Tatyana-jy3yg 5 жыл бұрын
Ага,еще при этом нервничать.
@МаргаритаМакарова-г1з 5 жыл бұрын
Месси- сама деликатность, мои котаны, когда им мешают части моей тушки просто упираются лапами и потихоньку сдвигают меня с належенного места, вуаля!
@Tatyana-jy3yg 5 жыл бұрын
@@МаргаритаМакарова-г1з мой тоже.
@Nonna5808 5 жыл бұрын
Маргарита Макарова. А ты не пробовала тоже упереться лапами и подвинуть с кровати их тушки?))
@МаргаритаМакарова-г1з 5 жыл бұрын
@@Nonna5808 ты вообще о чём? У меня всего две ноги, а лап- 16!!!
@ПатронСнарядов-э4в 5 жыл бұрын
Не ну красивый и понимающий.семья просто молодцы что такого животного взяли.
@meera6702 5 жыл бұрын
My favorites all together relaxing 🥰❤ thanks for making us all part of your international family 😁
@pomponl.2087 5 жыл бұрын
Hi🙋‍♀️! How are you? Nice video, isn't it? Very relaxing🤗
@meera6702 5 жыл бұрын
@@pomponl.2087 I am fine, how about you? I hope Natalya is feeling better now. Messi is always adorable and relaxing 🥰
@pomponl.2087 5 жыл бұрын
@@meera6702 I'm fine too (still at work👩‍💻) I also hope that Natalya feels better. I'll come back to the video tonight after work. Maybe we'll hear from her😚
@freefallingintograce4634 5 жыл бұрын
Well, hello hello, my dear friends!!! 💗 Now it was MY turn to scroll down and down and down until I've finally found you 😂🙋‍♀️🙏 How are you? Thank you for your concern - I'm totally fine, but.... now everyone had to wait until I got home from work and could translate. Yesterday I was able to post right after the video was published because I was home sick 🤣🙈 Soo good to see you both. Here's a copy of my translation, and now i'm going to have dinner an hour and a half later than planned. My hubby is a saint I tell ya 🙏😊 Sasha: And why are we being cranky now? Masha: Is your tail getting in your way? Sasha: Are you having a reaction? Hellooo! Masha: Messyush? Sasha: What exactly is the problem? Are you just annoyed by everything? Masha speaks for Messi: Well, not by EVERYTHING. Today his tail is being very talkative. Messi is a handsome boy! Sasha: He's not! Masha: Yes, he is! Just look at him... Both: WHOZAHANDSOMEBOI... Messi's a handsome boy! Sasha: You're my wonderful bo... Messi interrupts Sasha by slapping Sasha with his tail. Sasha: Oh I see. You wanna be a bad boy? Is that it? Masha: He's a GOOD boy. Messi slaps Sasha with his tail again. Sasha: He's saying no to the "good boy" with his tail. So, are you a bad boy then? Messi slaps his tail again. Sasha: Ok, you're neither good nor bad - got it. Which one are you being right now? Messi is a boy with no attributes? Neither good, nor bad, nor anything? Masha: He's still deciding. Speaks for Messi: What do you want anyway? I'm just enjoying my rest over here. To Messi: Is Messi resting? Sasha: He's not. He's being annoyed. Masha: No, he's not. Sasha: Yes, he is, see? Ok, maybe he's done now. Masha playfully: What's going on over there? Sasha: Messi is done being mad. Masha: My baby, my sweet. Who has such cute plush paws? Who has such a pink nose? You're my precious, yes. Someone's plush belly wants to be brushed. Paws together, covered by the tail. Messi slaps his tail. Masha: Did a fly get into your tail and is tickling you? Whispers: He's sooo stretched out. Sasha whispers: I got his tail between my legs. Masha to Messi: Daddy's got your tail just so that it doesn't bother you. Messi gets up to look. Masha: What's going on? Would you just look at this tail and its behaviour! Messyush, where's Messi's tail? Messi slaps his tail. Masha: There it is! Yes, a very beautiful tail. Just like a fox's. He's calmed down. Happy Tuesday everyone! 🙋‍♀️🐾🐯 Sorry - just got home after work, and now I can have my well deserved dinner. 😂 I know how much you await the translation, but sometimes the timing doesn't work as well. The previous video (Ichel is getting used to Masha) now has my subtitles too!
@freefallingintograce4634 5 жыл бұрын
@@pomponl.2087 hello!!! I'm here. I found this thread again and can see my comment. Can you see me now?💗🤗🤗🤗
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