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@annabondaruk45834 жыл бұрын
🍎STREAM TRANSLATION. 19.04.2020 PART 1️⃣ 0:30 Masha: It’s working again! I hope there is still somebody out there, who was waiting for us to come on line again. Maybe there is somebody out there who believed in a miracle. It’s realy working again! Sasha is showing Messi who is sleeping: I think everyone is in the same state as Messi, because it’s not possible to wait for so long. MAsha: It’s working! It’s working! Sasha to Messi: Say something to us. Messi: kwaa! Sasha: wake up! We have visitors! Can you hear me? Wake up! Hello! Let me shake your firm hand. MAsha is reading a comment: We believed in you and waited! Sasha: We didn’t believe ourselves. Masha: there was a strange thing that had happened, it was keep throwing us out from the stream. Normally stream should be over at this time, but we are starting it now. Congratulations and warm wishes with a holiday (Today is Orthodox Easter Holiday in Russia - my comment) Sasha: Congratulations and best wishes for all who just joined us...I will speak less today as I’ve lost my voice, so mostly I will be filming and Masha will do the talk. MAsha: Our problem today was rather with a program not with internet. (to Sasha): Film him for a while and I have to do something about a duck. We are having a holiday duck today. Sasha: We didn’t prepare anything for today, no eggs, no baking, no decorations. What we have found in the freezer was a duck. So we decided to cook it today. Masha: There was a question about how to accustom a cat to a collar, maybe you can answer. Sasha: Most important you have to act slowly, don’t rush and don’t scare your cat. At First buy a soft collar, that can be easily removed by a cat with it’s paws. You can attach small toy like a bell to it, so it can consider a collar as a toy. And when you are putting it for the first time do it in it’s favourite place, make it a toy out of it. For example place where cat sleeps, put a collar there, so it start to smell the same as a bed, this way it can get used to it, you to play with your cat using this collar. Cat should get an idea that collar is a safe thing and will not limit it’s freedom. 4:45 Q Sasha did you catch a cold or just hoarsened? Sasha: I am hoarsened. It’s a laryngitis....Messi is busy, he is eating a beaver...or maybe he is cleaning him, I don’t know...You are my sweet boy 5:30 Comment: tell me your address and I will send you some painted eggs MAsha: Thank you, we are satisfied with Kinder Surprise eggs that we have at home. Q How old is Messi? MAsha: Messi is 4,5 years old. Q How Sasha has lost his voice? MAsha: We have the same question, we have no idea, nothing indicated this would happen. Sasha: Most probably this is from nerves. Masha: Yes, most probably. 6:00 Q My cat is peeing on my bed when I’m away, Does it mean she is sad that I’m out or is she happy about it? Masha: it might be neither sad nor happy. Sasha: You have to watch closely your cat few more days, check her appetite and physical state. Maybe this way it is trying to say that something is wrong with her. Check her excrements. Check closely it’s poo, wear a glove or a bag, take it in your hand and squeeze it, see what’s inside: is there undigested food or parasites. Very often animals are showing us this way that something is wrong with them. You don’t have to panic, because it might be psychological problem as well. But this situation is a problem, you have to search to see the cause of it. If it’s psychological go back to the day when it had happened first time, what had changed before that? Maybe new things in the house, or maybe you removed something from the house, maybe new smell. And watch carefully it’s health state as well: Urine color, poo, how does it eat, is it the same amount that it eats. Q Hello from Baltiysk (town in the very west of Russia, near Kaliningrad, in an enclave Russian region) . How are you doing? How is your mood? Congrats with holiday. MAsha: We are slowly improving. 8:26 Comment: You may drink warm milk with honey, it might help” Masha: would you like to have some? Sasha: no, thank you. There is no pain, nothing, I just lost my voice. Comment from Korea: I also wish to have a chocolate egg -KinderSurprise. Here we have only KinderJoy, and I don’t like them. Masha: I know that in USA Kinder Surprise is not allowed for sale, because it may be swallowed and prevent from breathing. Therefore they also have only KinderJoy. I don’t envy you, because here we have normal KinderSurprise. Q How Messi is doing Masha: Messi is all right. Comment: We love you all very much! Masha: thank you 9:43 Comment with question about Ichel Masha: I think you didn’t see last video. Please, watch it. Comment: Aleksander get well soon. We need you healthy. We love you our favourite cat family! MAsha: thank you very much, guys Q where can I buy the same beaver? Masha: I can’t help you with that, we got it as a gift. Sasha: It has funny teeth that look like a chewing gum. Comment: let him stop doing that. Masha: Why? He likes it and we are supervising him. 11:20 Masha: Guys, those who doesn’t know about what happened or couldn’t understand something, please, watch and read pinned comment under the last video. Whole information about what happened is there. Q My cats are vomiting sometimes. Do I over feed them? Masha: No, not necessarily. Sasha: No, no, not at all. Rather opposite, if you over feed your cat it want vomit. Cats are able to eat bigger volume of food than a size of their stomach without extracting it back. It will do so only in case of danger, somebody is chasing a cat and it has to run away quickly, in this case it can extract back excessive food so it’s easier to escape. But normally cats as well horses are able to hold excessive food in their stomach for a long time. If you can is often vomiting you have to see how your cat vomits. Call your vet and describe it, tell him what colour it is, take a white tissue for that and touch the extract you will see the colour of it. Put on gloves while doing that. Cats have very strong vomiting reflexes, they are capable to extract back things they shouldn’t have been eating. If it’s not a wool balls but pure acids and cat keep eating grass to vomit later - then you need to do more checks and ultrasound is needed. Don’t neglect small signs that animal is showing you. If animals starts to behave differently - it’s a first sign to pay attention, especially with cats. They are very patient, they can be patient forever. They have high pain threshold. When cat starts to complain about being not well often it is too late. 14:20 Comment from Uk: How things are in Penza, here in Uk people are walking outside, because it’s nice weather. MAsha: There are stil many people on the streets in the city, many cars. Information that we get here tells us that it’s not many ill people here. Responsible people are trying not to go out and to minimize contacts with other people, we are among those people. Sasha: We are trying to help to end the situation as quickly as possible with what is possible to do. Masha: Because we have not just each other but also out cats. Nobody will take care of them but us. to be continued in part 2 In the meantime scroll down in the comments to the post called ++IMPORTANT,UPDATE++ for people not knowing about Ichel Also check latest video in a memory of Ichel posted 2 days ago and read pinned comment left by her owners, you can leave your condolences under that video. Thank you
@annabondaruk45834 жыл бұрын
🍎TRANSLATION. PART2️⃣ 15:13 Comment: finally you are on line! Hello to Messi. Nice watching you. Masha: Yes, finally, we did it! I just know, and many people are sending us e-mails saying that Sunday is not Sunday for them anymore without our live stream, without having our conversation, without seeing Messi. We couldn’t ignore that and not to come on line. Q Is it difficult to live with cougar? Masha: Yes, it is, of course it is. By difficulty I don’t mean care, because when animal is used to toilet or to a routine nothing difficult in this. But there is a difficulty is raising animal in such a way that it’s become easier for you to live with it. Sasha: it’s important to raise an animal without breaking it. Sometimes people are breaking if parents are too strict in raising their children. You have to feel a boundary between being a friend and being a boss. Masha is replying to comment and saying problem with connecting the stream was in program itself and not in gadgets they are using. Sasha: we had to delete the program and reinstall it, and it worked after that. Masha: But from the beginning it was like that with us, it became our punch line, we experienced problems with live streams: we couldn’t come on line, or something became not visible, or comments don’t open. Those who are with us from the very first live stream they know it was always like that. And when we come on line and start the stream without any complications it’s so surprising to us. Other way around is normal. Sasha: there was even a joke about us: If stream has started on time and everything is working it’s definitely not Sasha’s and Masha’s stream. 18:15 Q Does Messi burp wool balls like other cats? Masha: Yes, sure, he does it. He is licking himself and it’s normal for them. Sasha: this is how it should be in cats. But they shouldn’t be doing that very often. As I said before they stomach fluids are very acidic, so you should control their burb and excrement. It’s not good to make home diagnosis, but watching carefully and noticing any change will give you an idea when you should see the vet with your cat. And sometimes for example when you see in the stool that food is not digested you can give preventive medications, to support pancreas which is a wide spread problem in cats. You can give Pancreatin or Coreon which is the same. If cat has high acidic level in it’s stomach it might have a loose stool, so you can try giving it Amez to lower acidic level in the stomach. 20:22 Q Are you afraid of virus? Masha: Hmmm, we would like not to catch it, so the answer is rather yes, than no. 20:40 Q Tell us what was the end of the story in one video where Messi made a hole in Sasha’s sweater, and Messi run from Sasha is a funny way. (both are giggling) Masha: What was the end...they both were keep playing a game “Catch me if you can” Sasha: he went hiding MAsha: he went hiding in his house, and as you know his house is his shelter when he is untouchable. We both had a good laugh, and were a bit sorry about sweater. 21:43 Q Can you advice something..my cat demand everything with a loud sound, it being very vocal when it asks for food, or to play, even at night asking for my arm to sleep on it. What can I do to stop it. Masha: Maybe your cat is just very talk active Sasha: you can’t do anything about it (smiling) Masha: If your cat always has been this way, then this is how it is Sasha: It same like humans...One person who is very communicative he will always look for other people to talk to. And if person is reserved then even surrounded with many people at a party he will remain reserved, not talking much to others. The same thing is in this case with the cat. It is a character of your cat. 22:43 Q How did Messi behaved when he first started to live with you? Was he afraid of you like Ichel or was he comfortable straight away? Masha: He was comfortable from the very beginning. And it’s not that only we had a feeling that we are comfortable with him, but also he felt he is home immediately. Sasha: he was with us all the time, he wasn’t hiding and didn’t look for a shelter to hide in it. Good boy. 23:45 Comment: I’m so sory for your loss, please, at least one a year make a test for Messi and Kira for onco-markers. Masha: Thank you very much for your support and advice. But I think we are among those people who sleep better when they know less (Russian saying). We faced this situation in live more than once. Unfortunately, with humans everything was going on the same track as with animals or as it happened with Ichel. After visiting clinic she never went out her enclosure again. So it’s better not to know about it. Sasha: I sincerely think that she also understood everything what is happening (voice like he is holding his tears) 24:58 Masha is reading another message with condolences Masha: Guys, I understand your feelings very well. And I wanted to say that those comments that you were writing under the video, we honestly and truly tried to read them and let you know that we saw them.. Sasha: Impossible to read.. Masha: yes, it was impossible to read... even new subscribers, who was watching videos with her just since one week, they were writing comments and e-mails that it’s very hard even for them to read comments...So we didn’t read them, we simply couldn’t. Sasha: We tried...We cried for a couple of days...We couldn’t continue this way...We tried to think or focus on something else, and as soon as we were turning on our computer comments hit us again... I think after reading those comments even most hard hearted person would get emotional. Masha: It is well knows that women are more emotional by nature...but even men of all ages were writing in comments they are in tears. I think you will understand us. Sasha: thank you very much for your support. 26:30 Q Sasha, have you thought of having tattoo with cougar? Sasha: I was thinking about it. Masha: We were talking about it in details during one of our live streams. That it has to be in a totem style. Sasha: The problem is that cougar is a totem animal in only few tribes in Northern America. And it’s difficult to find a right picture of it. I don’t mean a picture made by a modern artist, but correct tribal totem picture. I couldn’t find it yet. I have found such a picture for jaguar, but not for cougar. There is plenty of pictures of totem animals like wolfs, ravens, eagles, but not cougar/puma. 27:28 Comment: I know it’s difficult to talk about but can you tell us a little bit about Ichi Masha: guys, if you know it is difficult to talk about I’ll leave it with no comments Sasha: what can we tell about Ichi anymore? 27:48 Masha is reading a comment that says that viewer is sharing their joys during holidays and sadness during difficult times MAsha: You know what is the most amazing thing about you our dearest friends, is that you know how to share with us our joy and you know how to support us in difficult times. You are just like us, on the same wavelength with us, according to words of support that you are sending us. It’s a fact, and it’s very precious for us. Thank you very much for that! Next comment is expressing a wish for all constructions to be over soon in Sasha’s and Masha’s house. Masha: We wish this to happen so badly. We were promised works in the bathroom will be mostly done next week. It would be wonderful! Finally we will have a washing machine and toilet on the ground floor and the most important a shower. 28:50 Masha is reading a joke sent by Kostya: son is coming to a father who is programmer surrounded with all different programs he is working on. Son asks: Dad, why the sun rises in the East and sets in the West? Dad: Is it every day like that? Son: Yes Dad: Just don’t redo anything. MAsha: IT’s just like our case, 100% right about us (giggling), I agree. You know us from the beginning; you know we always have been this way. 29:48 Q why Messi is not allowing you into his house? Masha: no, no, it’s not like that. We built this house for him so he has his own space, his own territory Where he knows that he is secure. So it’s unwritten rule that we don’t go inside that house when he is inside. So even if he did something wrong and we couldn’t catch him on time and he went hiding in the house, that’s it, it’s his space. Sasha: Most important is for him to understand that that was wrong. 30:20 Q Is Messi sly? Masha: Yes, he is very sly. He is aware of many things. Sasha to Messi: Let’s brush you. But you move here, I need you to move, I can’t brush you there. Masha: Girls, our moderators, thank you very much that you came back after such a delay. It’s been 1,5 hours since we first tried to come on line. Girls have joined us. Masha is reading comments of support and best wishes. To be continued in part 3
@annabondaruk45834 жыл бұрын
🍎TRANSLATION. PART3️⃣ 31:45 Q Why it’s not allowed to talk about Ichel? Masha: IT’s not forbidden, it’s just hard for us to talk about it. Only because of that. You can talk of course. Sasha: Understand us, We really tried hard, we fought, we believed in success..until the end we tried to cheer up..even after we knew about her diagnoses...We and Darya Kostyk (former owner) collected all tests and examinations results and sent them further to other specialists, Darya sent even in other countries where we couldn’t reach ...She also couldn’t believe what’s happening until the end, was hopeful that maybe there are some chances and options to save her. Masha: It’s difficult for us to comprehend all this. Sasha: In front of cancer like in front of God all are equal. Money, best doctors, connections don’t matter and don’t solve anything. It equalizes everything, and you can’t do anything. What else can I say. We spent time on the phone with Darya, we cried together, shared our sorrow. MAsha after reading a comment: don’t worry about a duck, I turned it off. At some point I reminded myself about it and went to turn off. 33:45 Comment: You didn’t have a holiday for a long time. Maybe you should take a holiday for couple of weeks. I worry about you that you might burn out. MAsha: You know, we were thinking should we have a live stream or shouldn’t we, should we post videos or shouldn’t we. But you know, we feel like we are having rest when we are with you, same as you rest with us. 35:00 Comment: Nooo, don’t have a rest, we are always waiting for you! (MAsha is laughing) Masha: Don’t worry Sasha is trying to brush Messi: Lie down, don’t stand up! It’s not handy for me, don’t you understand, I can’t reach other side from here. 35:30 Q How much do you spend on Messi’s food? MAsha: Look, Messi eats 1,5 kg of meat daily, so you can calculate. He eats every day. Sometimes he can refuse to eat by himself. We don’t practice with him a hungry day, but he does it himself from time to time. He might skip morning meal and eat only in the evening instead. But usually he eats every day. Comment: Let him sleep, don’t disturb him. 36:25 Q How Cesar is doing? MAsha: Sasha Volkov came back home, he is with Cesar, everything is good with them. Sasha: We will try to visit them in the coming days. MAsha: We will try but we don’t promise. Maybe we will be able to make some video if we go. 36:50 Masha: We are not going to do anything about enclosure right now. We will leave it as it is. Sasha: We want take other animal as well. MAsha: Yes, we are not ready to take other animal. Sasha: But we will not dismantle an enclosure as well. There were many offers immediately: lion cubs, tiger cubs, caracals, bobcats. But in any case we will not take any animal under our care right now. We will have to think about it very well first. 37:35 Q Do you give Messi any supplements? MAsha: we are giving him only Omega-3, fish oil. It’s beneficial for his fur and it’s good in general. 37:57 Comment from Kostya: I’ll change a subject. Differences in mentality. About zoos in Germany. There have been discussions to feed some zoo animals with other zoo animals, because of lack of financing zoos are experiencing right now. During WW2 in Leningrad (Saint-Petersburg now) under the siedge and hunger residents of the city managed to save 50% of animal collection of Leningrad’s zoo. And predators were given meat. Sasha: I can tell the same story about Valter Zapashniy (member of famous animal trainers dynasty) when during WW2 in a time of a bombing, when circus was in fire they let all walruses and seals go to swim into Moscow river and later on they were catching them back. And they managed to save all animals in the zoo and circus as well. I was reading what he wrote about that time he was saying that when there was a shortage of food for lions and tigers herds of horses were driven from Kazakhstan to feed them. But I understand what Kostya is talking about. It’s like an incident that had happened last year, when kippers in the zoo fed a lion with a giraffe from the same zoo. The point here is not that they made a meal out of giraffe, all zoos are doing that when they expect they an animal will dye soon they choose to feed other animals with it’s meat, because giraffe it’s a 500-600 kg of meat. So zoos are often practice this and they don’t do it randomly, but only with animals that have serious health issues, so they feed predators with this meet. But it’s not their goal to raise there a giraffe for feeding predators. There are plenty of farms that provide meat to the market. Scandal wasn’t about giraffe itself but about the fact that they did it openly during a day time in front of the crowds who were visiting the zoo, in front of children. And they let a lion to kill a giraffe. So the question was raised about the way they did it. But those who work in the zoo replied: There is nothing surprising in a fact that a predator eats his herbivore pray. And visitors said that we understand that, but did you really had to do it this way in front of people? Masha is reading more comment of love and support Sasha: I have to brush his belly. MAsha: You will turn him upside down and we want see you. Sasha: We will do it quickly. How can we leave him not combed on other side, one side only is combed. Girls will love him only from one side then. We have to fix it. 42:22 Comment: Ichel will be back, you will see, but in other shape. MAsha: Who knows, if she liked to be with us she will come back. Sasha: We will give ourselves a couple of months and then we will see. Enclosure is there ready. 42:48 Q Is Messi often being naughty? Film it more often please MAsha: He doesn’t do anything naughty that we can film. This was an incident that we were lucky to be able to catch it on camera that was in the house. 43:20 Q Can you tell us funny story with Messi Masha: We had such story just recently with Sasha’s sweter. Other then that...I reminded my self one. This happened when were living in that small apartment. We had a bowl that was on the top of the washing machine where we collected our cloths for washing. Messi never paid attention to it. And we were happy we can put our things there and he doesn’t pay attention. So one day we put there all our thermo protective cloth, it was during winter time and we came back from skating. We had to go somewhere and when we came back this bawl was on the floor with all clothes also on the floor and he made holes in all our clothes...socks didn’t have heels part anymore...he destroyed all he found in that bowl. Since then we don’t collect our clothes in a bowls. 44:30 Comment from Kostya: I meant something else about zoos. There is no money in zoos because of quarantine. They get their finances mainly from selling tickets and now there is no visitors to buy tickets. And no money in cities budgets to support zoos. Sasha: I get it now. But that’s means they are left with no other options. Zoos are partly financed from municipal budget and partly by selling tickets. And now municipalities have no money as well. In situation under quarantine many small businesses are dying, and local municipal budgets are empty as well. You can’t feed herbivore animal with a predator, but you can feed predator with a herbivore animal. And in such situation when they are trying to save at least some animals - this is what they can do. But it’s also strange that it takes place in Europe and it’s always advocating for treating animals well and talking about animals rights and protection. Then why in a difficult time as these they don’t support their words with deeds. 46:09 Answering to a question about how to protect a cat from fleas. MAsha said they are putting collar on Messi against fleas, and they are using Fronline spray. Sasha is showing on camera Frontline spraying liquid: It’s not cheap but it’s worth it. It’s not toxic and it’s safe. It protects from fleas and ticks. When we were choosing we checked and found out that it’s 2nd top protection worldwide in term of effectiveness and popularity. Masha: It can be used for kittens from 3rd day of their life. Sasha: Yes, I was about to say..it can be used for 3 days old kittens and that’s shows that it’s not toxic. We are buying for dogs, we just save a little bit of money, because for cats bottle is smaller. You have to use it once a month. The effect stays for one month. Instruction says you should it with having you windows open or outside. I didn’t pay attention to that when I fist used it and that was my fault. It has a alcohol in it and cat’s don’t like a smell of alcohol. So it’s better to use it outside. If you are going to use it against ticks first of all you should use it in front area around a chest and armpits and in the back area around a tail and between legs and armpits there. Ticks like those places. You don’t have to use it on a whole body, it is rare for ticks to climb to cat’s back. Q Can a human use Frontline on himself. Sasha: You can, no problems, but it will a bit costly. MAsha: Sasha is actually using it on himself. Sasha: But then I have bought a spray for human, because bottles for animals are small and it’s too expensive to use it on yourself. But if you have a small kids and you worry about them and you have enough money to spend on Frontline - yes, why not, you can use it. To be continued in part 4
@annabondaruk45834 жыл бұрын
🍎TRANSLATION. PART4️⃣➖1️⃣ 50:00 Comment: Adopt lion cub Simba. MAsha: I think they mean that one Volodya told us about, a cub with broken legs. Sasha: Most probably they are talking about that one. Guys, we are not thinking right now about having another animal. We just lost our friend. And to substitute quickly with other animal - no, no. It’s not a car that you can change or substitute. It’s not that easy. You don’t just live with an animal, you have to love it and treat it with love. And I can’t do it right now. Not now. Some time should pass. It’s not a first pet that we lost in our life. They all are...there is a saying: “For them we are all their lives, for us they are part of our lives.” It’s not the first animal we lost in our life, but it’s always hard, it’s always with tears, you are losing somebody dear and close... and to go and bring some other animal just to fill an empty enclosure or just because you anyway paying electricity bills for heating an enclosure - no, no! We don’t know yet what are we going to do and what turn our destiny will take...Maybe something will happen again by chance, same as it happened with Messi or Ichel. It was our destiny. Maybe the same will happen with some other animal. Or maybe we go nuts and sell our apartment and buy a small cheetah kitten and raise it for the first time from a cub, at least one animal. Who knows. We don’t feel like thinking about that right now. Therefore our thoughts are chaotic right now. When we will be able again to think clearly again we will think about it. 52:22 Comment from Nastya (their friend): I was waiting and waiting and finally missed the beginning. Hello my dear! Is that Sasha was singing all night long and lost his voice? Masha: Yeah, sure, yelling in karaoke club....If only so.. Sasha is citing words from a song: “Only I and my cat are walking through the field...” (My comment: Sasha is paraphrasing a famous Russian song, it’s modern but composed in a folk Russian music style. In the song it says: Only I and my horse are walking through the field...Sasha changed horse to a cat...And I can imagine him walking through the field with Messi...I think mentioning this song was spot on, it might reflect his emotional state, because there is sadness and bitterness in it and at the same time search for light, peace and comfort...this song is touching for every Russian I think, so I will leave a link to it. Translation is far from being perfect, original lyrics are much more poetic, but at least there is English translation: kzbin.info/www/bejne/ZobQfJiFic6FqMk ) 52:45 MAsha after reading a comment: Sorry, if I didn’t reply to all of you those who sent e-mails. We had a difficult situation, only yesterday I checked some e-mails from you and replied. The whole last month was not easy actually. So I am sorry, I will reply, it’s just I didn’t have neither emotional no physical power to do that. But I will try to reply. 53:15 Comment: I’ve been to a zoo in Dublin. During WW2 they also fed predators with herbivorous in order to save precious rare predator like Amur tiger. Masha: What other option did people have in such situation? Sasha: Herbivorous are breeding frequently and in big numbers - and that is for some reason or purpose. It’s in the essence of nature that certain number of herbivorous animals will be killed and eaten by predators. Even number of herbivorous animals and health of their population are regulated but this fact. Their population has to be regulated, and if there were no limits to it they would quickly breed to huge numbers and fill everything and that will bring to a brink of an ecological catastrophe. On other side their number regulates as well a number of predators. If there is no enough food predators don’t breed. Even street dogs when nobody feed them and they can’t find food they don’t breed, an egg doesn’t develop in this case. So herbivorous animals have to be eaten, this is how the world is functioning. Evolutions is most the most wise thing that nature has, and it puts everything in order how it should be. There was an old story about a landowner, he didn’t like a sound of frogs in his pond, so he ordered to kill all frogs. And when his servants killed all of them they started to suffer from mosquitoes. And as a result his daughter or his wife became ill with illness transmitted by mosquitoes. This is a small example of how breaking a food chain can cause some serious problems. And I don’t want to mention Australia, where this food chain was completely broken. Anyway, 80% of herbivorous animals have to die in their stomachs (pointing at Messi). Like it or not but this is how it has be. Rabbits are breeding in big numbers for some reason: so 80% of them will be eaten and 20% will breed again in big numbers and continue to evolutionate. 56:55 Q What do you think of Antuan dogs? Sasha: I don’t know such dogs. I would support a conversation if I knew something about. Unfortunately I don’t know. 57:18 Comment from Kostya: Where does this idea comes from, to send Simba to Africa (refers to some comments in the chat about Simba), Simba just started to walk somewhat on his broken legs. Even if doctor Dalarkyan will improve his condition it can’t be sent back to wild nature, same as tiger Zhorik with broken jaw, that Keran Dalarkyan was restoring ” Masha: maybe only if in closed sanctuary for animals Sasha: Lion is a social animal...I’m just reflecting on the subject. I don’t mean to criticize or give an advice, they know better themselves what to do in such situation... Pride will not accept ill disabled animal. He is not needed there. Even in sanctuary he will be a parayah most likely. We don’t know for sure how animals will react, sometimes they are more humane than people. But at the same time big chances he will be a parayah and a lion cub that lives separately from his own kind and lives with humans he adopts human behaviour, he will behave more humane than other lions. Experiment might be interesting, but I’m very sceptical about chances of positive result. I agree with Kostya, lion has to live with humans now in enclosure, maybe there will be somebody who can afford keeping him in enclosure. Other then that I don’t know what could be a possible solution, there want be good chances for successful existence. And here I have to say - our enclosure is not suitable. It’s not a small enclosure, but it’s not strong enough for a body that weights 200-250 kg. MAsha: from my side I can say that going inside enclosure with a grown up lion - I doubt about pleasant feelings about that -I’m expressing here my own reflection and feeling. It’s good to be sorry about a lion cub but think when it’s become big, can you imagine how huge he will be... And what if he will have any health issue? And you need to take him to clinic or something like this.. Sasha: I even didn’t think about it...even if you sedate him, how to load 250 kg into the car? What transportation will you have to use? Our car will not be enough for an adult lion. MAsha: There are many small details that tell us we are physically will not be capable to raise a lion, such a big animal. 1:01:13 Q Sasha did Messi learn any new command? Sasha: No, we didn’t teach him. We just continue to repeat with him the ones he already knows. He knows 22 commands working commands. But he is not bored anymore. He becomes older and older, and becomes more lazy. When we go for a walk to cover 3 km distance I have to pull a leash. And when we reach a beach he drops his anchor, I mean he sits down and like saying: Let’s sit, let’s relax, Masha: It’s a beautiful place there and you can enjoy spending time there... 1:01:53 Comment: You are so wonderful, I’m learning from you how to react to indiscretion. Masha: Unfortunately it does happen..and sometimes people don’t mean to be indiscreet...but some they know what they are doing... everything is possible, and it’s possible sometimes to understand them... And of course being a cad is one thing and being indiscreet accidentally is another. Sasha: One is a lack of education another is a lack of conscience. I can tell that long time ago when I was a student around year 2000 I was working in a casino. And believe me, I obtained a lot of life experience there and stress resistance, you can’t imagine to what extend. MAsha was working as a barman when she was a student, so it also taught her a lot about being stress resistant. I think you can add a taxi driver to the list of professions with stress-resistance. We met different people, and we had to learn how to deal with different people, even if it was for a short time, or to learn how not to deal with them, this is also an art. Comment: Sasha, save your voice, take care of it. Sasha: I’m trying. I don’t have pain, but I have a hoarse voice. I think this is a result of nerves. 1:03:40 Q What do you think about Messi’s sounds, is it meowing or a quacking? Masha: As you like. But we see it as a quacking rather than meowing. Quacking like a duck. Sasha: We call him different names, he is Donald Duck and Leps having a cold (Leps is a singer with a manner of kind of yelling high notes) Comment from Kostya: Even Zubkov in a safari park Taygan, who has workers and big cars there when one of his lions had a problem with teeth and infection, they sedated him in savana and did all manipulations removing some teeth there at place. There is a video. Masha: And there is also such a things that sedated animal seems to you heavier than before Sasha: that’s because all musculs are relaxed and it’s more difficult to balance it. I can lift an object that weights 50 kg relatively easy, and it’s easier than lifting Messi whose weight is 45 kg, because it’s a living weight not possible to balance. to be continued in part 4-2
@annabondaruk45834 жыл бұрын
🍎TRANSLATION. PART 4️⃣➖2️⃣ Also I reminded a story about our friends Tanya and Dima with their tigers. They live in the North in Irkutsk. Their tigers are nice and good. She told us a story, and she is bigger than Masha, not a tiny girl at all, so she came home and wanted to clean a floor after tiger, so she brought a bucket with water and put it on the floor. And a tiger wanted some attention and some love from her so it started to push her with his head and she set on that bucket with water. Plastic bucket broke and she landed on the floor with spelt water and tiger was keep expressing his love keep pushing her with his head. She stayed like that for a 30 min sitting on the wet floor until he got enough. She says it was funny and at the same time I was sitting with my bottom wet on a cold floor, and water was everywhere. Good and bad all together...This is how it is when you can’t escape from a 300 kg body that want to let you know how much he loves you and how much he missed you. 1:06:17 Q Did you have time to wash Messi’s beddings? Masha: Yes, we had time, we washed 2 of them. Sasha: they are drying in the garage. I used Kurher to wash them, because a washing machine will be installed only next week. One should get dried today. But good we didn’t place it in his house today, because today He vomited there with grass he ate during the walk, and he didn’t proceed this grass while on the walk, you understand what I mean. Later he had breakfast, then played and run around and then went to his house and there extracted all the grass. Good bedding wasn’t there otherwise we would have to wash it again. 1:07:20 Q If it was other animal, not Messi, would the result be the same in raising an animal? Is it that your patience and his character played major role in success? Sasha: IT’s difficult to say. We don’t have two cases to compare. But I will say that we invested in Messi a huge amount of work, huge. First year we were working with him all the time. I remember those days, I simply just wanted to sleep all the time. I think it remained for two years my wish to sleep. Masha: I remember a time when I wanted him to go and rent a room in a hotel to have some sleep. It was unbearable to watch and see him contantly deprived of sleep. I also didn’t sleep at nights, but it was easier for me. 1:09:27 If you ever go to Moscow can we meet Messi there to hug him? MAsha: it’s difficult to say when we may go, we don’t plan any trips right now. We will see 1:10:04 Q I saw an interview with you on foreign channels, that’s cool, tell me in which countries they know about you? Do you receive new offers to make an interview with you? Masha: According to youtube map there is no country left without our subscriber there, in each country there is at least one subscriber. I saw that even in Africa there is a small country, I forgot it’s name, where there are two of our subscribers.That is cool.And our story is unique. Journalists who came they saw how we interact in normal life, how Messi behaives and his reaction to other people.And they were sincerely surprised and left delighted. And there are new crews who want to meet us. There is a Germany crew, they want to make a documentary about animals like Messi who live with families. But coronavirus had interrupted those plans. So it got postponed. 1:12:05 Q I’m really sorry for Ichel. Did she die naturally or you had to euthanize her? And how her former owner reacted to a news? Idea with buying a new cheetah cub is very good, I’m very sorry for your loss. We are with you! MAsha: Ichel passed away herself. We told you during last live stream that the vet left us an injection in case if animal will be in pain and suffer. We didn’t have to use it. She passed away herself. In the morning I went to her and she drunk some water, then during the day we went with Sasha to check how she is. Sasha: Situation developed rapidly. On Monday she scratched me, she didn’t want to take medicine. On Tuesday she scratched one more time, on Wednesday she scratched me again, also not wanting to take a pill. On Wednsday evening she didn’t greet us. In the morning she ate, we managed to feed her. In the evening she didn’t greet us. We came she only raised her head. We gave her water and tried to give some meat, but she didn’t eat. We stayed with her in the evening talking to her. MAsha: On Thursday morning she a ate a bit of meat. Sasha: Yes. In the evening (on Wednesday)when we were sitting with her we thought maybe it came this moment. But we were hopeful that maybe in the morning she will be better, maybe it’s just an episode, a stroke, and she might be better tomorrow. She wasn’t in pain, guys, but she had difficulty breathing, it looked like pulmonary edema had started, it was hard for her to breath. On Thursday morning Masha went alone there to give her water. I’ll be honest I stayed to wait for Masha to come back and tell me she got up let’s go to feed her, we used to go together to feed her. It became difficult to feed her by one person, she didn’t want to eat, and to give her a portion of 1,2 kg was difficult. And you can’t not to feed her, she was loosing her mass very fast, loosing weight very fast even though we continued to feed her and give water. On Thursday morning Masha came back from her and told she is the same as yesterday evening. We stayed in silence for 2 hours, because each of us understood what does it mean and that now we have to pull ourselves together and go to her. We went to her again around 10:30 a.m., and everything was clear to us, after those two hours, she was very weak. And after 15 min more she passed away in our hands. She left quietly, very quiet. How is former owner? She was also in shock. You may not know the whole the story. Around two years ago she herself lost a half of her cheetah group. Animals got poisoned, in a very cruel way, they were poisoned with antifreeze and this causes animal to suffer a lot, and this suffering continues much longer than a day, and it dies in agony. It was a terrible news for her ( Ichel’s diagnosis), every day we were on the phone with her. As soon as she knew she ask for all tests and examination results. Yes, best vet doctors examined Ichel and we did everything possible. But she (Darya) passed those results further, she knows more specialists and people who works with cheetahs, because she is working with them since long time and has connections with other specialists. She contacted all foreign specialists she knew. But unfortunately all of them said that diagnosis is correct and there is nothing to do about it. What can I say more. It was a shock for everyone. She was crying, we were crying. We cryed together on the phone. She is planning to come to us, to visit Ichel’s grave. When time comes, we will see. You know it’s a cancer, it develops unnoticed. In my family 3 family member passed away from cancer, I know what does it mean. And it’s really hard to diagnose it on time. To be continued in part 5
@namelastname54184 жыл бұрын
Part 5 1:04:55 Sasha:” I recall a story about our friends who live in Chita city (it’s far North) Their names are Dmitriy and Tanya and they have tigers. The tigers are very kind and loving, and the story that happened to Tanya is funny. Once she returned home and started to clean after the tiger. Tanya is not a small girl like Masha, however, the tiger was overwhelmed with love to his mommy and wanted to express his love right there and right then. Tanya had a bucked with water in it, and when her tiger started rubbing against her (the love was pouring out of the baby), he knocked her down and Tanya fell. Her butt got into the bucked (thanks Got it was a plastic one), she broke it and water leaked out on the floor. The picture: there’s a puddle of water, Tanya is sitting in that water, the tiger is rubbing his big head against his mommy and loving her. Tanya was sitting on the floor in water for 30 minutes while her 137 lbs baby had an influx of tenderness has gone. Tanya recalled those confusing emotions. It was funny and not at the same time. On one hand, she was touched by that love (kind of Awe😊 emotion), on the other hand, she was sitting a half an hour on the floor in cold water that was everywhere. That was a a situation when a human could not get a huge “baby” off you just because of the the baby was overwhelmed with love to her and wanted to show that love right there and then because he missed his mommy 1:06:28 Masha is reading the comments. One asked whether guys had a chance to wash Messi’s beds. Masha replied that yes, two beds were washed and now are drying in the garage. Sasha washed them with the device he washed his car and Ichel’s cage. The washer and dryer will be delivered next week. Sasha is glad they did not put one of them today because Messi ate grass during his walk with Sasha and did not digest and eliminate it. Upon their return, Messi had his breakfast, then he played, then went to his “apartment” and he vomited it out. So, the excess of the grass all came out him. 1:07:07 Masha is reading the comment she wanted to reply to a few times but did not have a chance yet. The person is asking if the guys got another animal, not Messi, would his/her upbringing be as successful as Messi’s. Is it just a good combination of the guys’ diligence and Messi’s good character? Sasha answered:” Every situation is unique, and we cannot compare two variables simply because another one is missing. From us, we can say that there was an enormous amount of work. During the first year of his life with us, we worked non-stop.” Sasha remembers that time he was sleep-deprived and always wanted to catch up on the sleep. That need was so profound, that even Masha suggested Sasha got a hotel room and slept there. She said that it was unbearable to see Sasha suffering from the sleep deprivation and Masha insisted that her husband got a room at a nearby hotel to sleep over there on the weekend. Masha said that she did not sleep well at that time as well, but it was easier for her to adjust. She also got up at nights when Messi had “nature's calls” or something, however, it was easier for her rather for Sasha. It was a difficult time for both of us. 1:09:11 Masha continues receiving best wishes because of the Orthodox Easter, thanking for donations, reading comments, etc. People ask if the guys are planning to visit Moscow again so they can meet and play with Messi. The guys are not planning any trips soon. Time will tell and they play by ear. People thank the couple for their accountability when care for their present and future animals. Q: There are many videos about your family and Messi in different languages. In what countries do people know about you? A: “According to the map of our subscribers’ geographic locations which YouTuve provides us with, there are no countries where we don’t have subscribers. There is one country in Africa where there are two subscribers. The number is 2, but they are our subscribers.” -said Masha. “Messi’s story is unique and does not have an analogy in the world” continues Masha. “All those reporters who came to take a video about he saw it with their own eye how Messi communicates with us and his reaction to other people. Those encounters were absolutely sincere, and people left delighted. BTW, we’re expecting visitors someday soon as well !” continued Masha. “We continue receiving those proposals and filmmakers from Germany wanted to come to make an episode about Messi for their documentary about wild animals that live in families. Unfortunately, COVID-19 shuffled our plans and it was postponed until uncertain time.” -said Masha. 1:12:07 A subscriber Viktoriya expressed her condolences and asked whether Ichel died naturally or was euthanized? How did the Ichel’s previous owner react to that sad news? Masha answered:” This question was asked many times and…Ichel left us naturally. The doctor left a syringe in case we need to stop her suffering. There was no need to use it. In the morning, Masha gave Ichel water, later they came to check on her…” Sasha took the initiative to share their sad story Masha and continued:” everything happened very quickly if one looks at the situation. On Monday she bit my finger, on Tuesday she scratched me, on Wednesday morning she scratched me again because she didn’t want to take the pills. Later Wednesday Ichel already didn’t greet us as normally she did. She only raised her head toward us when we walked in. We gave her water and tried to feed with meet (with the meds inside), but she could not eat. We spent time with her by sitting and talking to her. On Thursday morning she ate, and we hoped that the Ichel’s worsening condition was nothing but an episode. Unfortunately, she had difficulty to breathe and pulmonary edema began. That day I didn’t go with Masha to Ichel in the morning because I hoped Masha returns by saying hey, let’s go there to feed her because she feels better today. Ichel lost her appetite and it was challenging for us to put about 3lbs of meat in her. But we had to feed her because she was losing her weight quickly. Masha returned form Ichel and confirmed that the condition is the same as on Wednesday evening☹ A couple of hours we spent in silence, we didn’t talk to each other because each of us perfectly understood that we must pull ourselves together and go to Ichel. Around 11:00am we went there and everything was clear for us. During those two hours, we were not there, Ichel simply meltdown. We spend 15 minutes with her and she has gone…quietly (OMG, I’m crying while hearing this…ED).
@АннаК-я3ь4 жыл бұрын
Есть люди, которые осуждают ребят за то, что они были веселые на стриме. А вы видели их в первые часы (дни) после всего произошедшего? Я уверена, что они уже успели все глаза выплакать, и дальше плакать нет смысла. Надо жить. Они захотели быть с нами, с теми, кто следил за жизнью Ичель, кто пережевал за нее и показать, что они справляются и живут дальше и не зацикливаются на горе. Мне кажется, что это правильно. Ребята, спасибо вам за то, что держитесь и за то, что были до конца и боролись за жизнь этой замечательной кошки. Не люблю несправедливые обвинения, особенно в те моменты, когда людей нужно не обвинять, а поддерживать..
@простоятакаяженщина4 жыл бұрын
Поддерживаю каждое ваше слово
@likadgebuadze56024 жыл бұрын
Люди разные у меня умер кот которого я растила в подьезе жил домик ему сделала все условия ухаживала как за ребенком Собака ревнивая до ужаса ато завела бы И вечером увидели мертвого на 1этаже незнаю что случилось Я плакала неделю немогла ничего делать патом жизнь вошла в русло Я думаю они выплакали и решили не грузить людей Ичель прожила долгую жизнь и только с ними была счастлива но увы она и есть нехотела в конце 😪Что паделать они все сделали для нее А я плакала от того что не взяла кота в дом хотя у него был свой домик и еда и ласка возле двери моей Ясебя винила пока мне не сказали что он прожил этот год в заботе и любви а многих во дворе машины позбивали полуголодных холодных
@ksenialaikina57084 жыл бұрын
Идиоты осуждают. Не видящие дальше собственного носа. Это они то были веселые? Саша сам на себя не похож, аж голос сел. Веселье сквозь силу. Совести нет у людей такое писать.
@ОльгаМакарова-н5о4 жыл бұрын
Во- первых , видимо осуждают те,кто не видит разницы, между радостью и натянутыми улыбками ребят,а во -вторых,этим дуракам надо посмотреть стрим в понедельник, как Саша,взрослый мужик,сквозь слезы,говорил об умирающей Ичи... Какая тут радость, ребята держатся ради нас,зная,что мы все очень переживаем за них и за кошечек...
@spokispokovski60494 жыл бұрын
Ольга Макарова да,читаешь некоторые коммен.и создается впечатление,что некоторые пишут гадости специально.
@juliawinnychenko77294 жыл бұрын
Саша просто прирожденный психолог! Он прекрасно понимает психологию животных! Очень грамотный и образованный! Его слушать можно бесконечно. И нет тем, в которых бы он не был компетентен! Ребята, вы супер!! Месян вообще нереальный кот! Любимая любовь! Спасибо вам за то, чтл вы такие замечательные люди💓
@liudmila32064 жыл бұрын
Последний период своей жизни Ичель прожила в заботе и большой любви... Вы сделали всё что могли... Спасибо вам за это! Здоровья вашему удивительному семейству! С праздником Светлой Пасхи! Храни вас Господь...
@МартаГоловатюк-к6щ4 жыл бұрын
Спасибо за эфир...за то ,что нашли силы немного поговорить о Ичельке...Она такая трогательная девочка была...понимаем как сейчас вам тяжело...очень очень просим вас уделить время себе ...своему здоровью.Вы сильно перегрузились морально и физически. Всё наладится..всё будет хорошо...берегите друг друга и своих пушисточек❤
@nancykahn41254 жыл бұрын
Ischel will never be forgotten-she was lucky to have you, and you were lucky to have her and share her with the world
@МаринаЕличева-м1д4 жыл бұрын
Огромное спасибо ребятам за добрые сердца. Жизнь продолжается.
@joyhenderson-matthews40064 жыл бұрын
Thank you for filming and talking to us all, it is very brave and kind of you both to allow us into your home at this time. Your grief is huge and it is extraordinary that you have reached out to us all despite your pain. We all are loving you, and weeping with you. Thank you, thank you.
@williamhgibbsjr79724 жыл бұрын
@zhangqian5164 жыл бұрын
My heart 💔when I saw Messi is staring at the empty enclosure where beautiful Ichel used to pace around😭😭😭...RIP Ichel, you will always be remembered by your fans.
@jeanhiles77344 жыл бұрын
Oh Dear i didn't know something had happened to that lovely Ickel. Poor puss she was lovely like Messi is.
@jeanhiles77344 жыл бұрын
@giovanna7224 жыл бұрын
@@jeanhiles7734 Ichel.
@sabbycat38484 жыл бұрын
@@jeanhiles7734 they have a remembrance video posted w translation of what happened.
@skaterboy-cz9wj4 жыл бұрын
@@jeanhiles7734 We all are so sad about Ichel's passing:( Our hearts are broken. I dreamed of seeing Ichel living with Messi and Kira playing watermelon soccer/football Can you imagine Sasha and Masha walking a cheetah, a puma and maybe having Kira sitting on Messi or Ichel's back. That is gone though.
@ИннаШиленко4 жыл бұрын
Месси такой умничка, его будят, а у него ноль агрессии! Ребята , вы всё правильно делаете, всё от души и от большого щедрого сердца!!!!
@Елена20084 жыл бұрын
Спасибо Саша и Маша, что рассказали о последних часах девочки, вы поделились с нами, вам и нам стало легче! Мы вроде посторонние, но мы с мужем так же переживали как за своих животных. Светлая память.
@amirgabidulin77254 жыл бұрын
Ребята не расстраивайтесь всё будет хорошо мы вас любим очень сильно
@АлексейУрванов-ф8ж4 жыл бұрын
Держитесь, братцы ... Уж больно вы душевные. Молодец Месси - интерес к тому, что за окном неподдельный.
@alexdobrova23014 жыл бұрын
Со светлой Пасхой!!!Счастья ,здоровья,любви и всего , всего.Мы вас любим!!!Месси самый лучший!!!
@МаринаЛегонькова-в2б4 жыл бұрын
Ребята,огромное спасибо Вам за это трудное интерьвью,Ичель уже на радуге,я думаю, она недаром к вам попала,а мы все ее будем помнить.Месси самый славный котик,у нас тоже есть кошки,но Месси очень классный и ваша белосгежная красотка!!!!!!
@ОльгаСоколова-ф4ж4 жыл бұрын
Ребята дорогие, вы два солнечных лучика. С праздником. Все будет у вас ещё лучше. Ольга. Нижний новгород
@lynnmicallef74224 жыл бұрын
So lovely to see you two darling brave hearts smiling with your beautiful boy. Bless you! Sending BIG LOVE! 💞❤🐾
@wawawillegers49914 жыл бұрын
If you don't like this program means you are having pain in your small head down there! Messi fur is very soft like velvet. He is very sweet and adorable. I am not surprise if majority of the people around the world love him and adore his parents. Salute to both of you and thank you so much for taking good care of Messi.
@AwesomeBlackDude4 жыл бұрын
Is this these comments are the Broxton, section? 😲🤔
@СветланаКоломиец-ю1ь4 жыл бұрын
Спасибо, ребята, что все разъяснили и рассказали о Ичельке, для многих это важно, мы вместе с вами все это пережили, держитесь, вы молодцы, сделали все что могли и даже больше. Будем жить и "зализывать раны"...
@lolaohara50264 жыл бұрын
Саша+Маша спасибо за эфир, что нашли силы в тяжёлое для вас время. 😘 Не заводите больше диких животных, Месси очень тяжело вас делить ещё с кем-то, пусть мальчишка не нервничает! Наверно многие смеялись с видео, где он рвёт толстовку, а я чуть не плакала, что он так мечется и страдает! Заведите потом лучше большую собаку - дружочка для Месси, чтобы они вместе играли и радовали вас и нас. Целую, обнимаю, чмок Масяна в носик, жду ещё встреч в эфире! ❤️
@nastycourgette28794 жыл бұрын
При всём уважении, но кого заводить Саше и Маше - не наше дело
@МонинаЕлена4 жыл бұрын
@@nastycourgette2879 👍🏼🤝
@ОльгаПавловна-214 жыл бұрын
Так ребята и Месси не заводили, и Киру. Они сами завелись☺️
@ИльяАбулашвили-ц9к4 жыл бұрын
Lola Ohara Если завести котёнка гепарда маленького Мессян его примет как бобра, и будет каждый день вылизывать.
@lolaohara50264 жыл бұрын
courg etten, конечно, не наше дело, это Маша давно хочет собаку, а не мы! 😄
@innab77244 жыл бұрын
Симба- такой благодарный львенок с огромными глазенками! Какое счастье, что он попал в руки доктора Даллакяна!
@larisikstefania4 жыл бұрын
Ребята, Вы умницы. Христос воскрес. Саша, поправляйтесь. Голос вернется. Хорошо, что вы с нами.
@svetusikvrn46694 жыл бұрын
Ребята , все будет хорошо держитесь! Мы все с вами ! Меське и Кирюхе привет !
@anitabakhareva17234 жыл бұрын
Саша и Маша.Христос воскресе!С праздником Светлой Пасхи!Да хранит Вас Господь!Здоровья,любви и всех благ!!!!
@АляАлая-ы7б4 жыл бұрын
Дорогие Саша и Маша!Поздравляю вас со светлым Христовым Воскресеньем!Спасибо,что нашли силы провести с нами прямой эфир!Расставили все точки над "и",внесли ясность по непонятным вопросам,развеяли ощущение недосказанности, дали возможность все понять и не искать виноватых, что бы жить и идти вперед!У вас даже голос вернулся!Здоровья и счастья всей вашей семье!Месси -наш любимый антидепрессант!С нетерпением жду новых роликов.Всех подписчиков с праздником,желаю всем Божьей благодати!
@ОльгаПономаренко-п9ы4 жыл бұрын
"Уронили пуму на пол Расчисали пуме лапы Он теперь такой пригожий Поцелуйте Меську в носик!"
@wildstar10634 жыл бұрын
I am an English only speaker, from Oklahoma in the US, and I have to say I am embarrassed for these provincial knuckle draggers, who do not understand that KZbin is an international service with people who speak all languages, and are demanding that Sasha and Masha speak English, in the live comments, when they have not bothered to learn Russian. Wait for the translations, use KZbin's built-in translator and get a Text translator app for the comments or learn to speak and read Russian. Don't demand that others learn and speak your language If you haven't bothered to learn theirs.
@carolinehannah51884 жыл бұрын
wildstar 1063. good point. When my mother came her from Russia, she learned to speak English out of respect for her adopted country. She said, if you live in America, you speak English. I agree, maybe to broaden one' s horizons, learn Russian.
@annabondaruk45834 жыл бұрын
Just in case somebody will come to read : there is a translation of the live stream pinned under the video (check first comment). And by the way, every video that doesn’t have subtitles has a pinned translation. Translation usually appears few hours later after video is released or stream uploaded. So you have to check it a bit later but always as a pinned comment under the video.
@sabbycat38484 жыл бұрын
Yes! Thank you for saying this. It is so embarrassing to see people complaining that they aren't speaking English! I don't understand the entitlement of so many of my fellow Americans in that they think the world should cater to them. I travel internationally often and I always try to learn at least a few words in the language of the country I'm visiting as a symbol of respect. Please don't judge all Americans by the way some are behaving in these comments.
@mussongal12324 жыл бұрын
From another English-only speaker in Oklahoma - Excellent point. In college I worked in the Russian Earth Science repository library at Univ of OK. Folks were always surprised and indignant when they found the publications were in Russian.
@Aquamarine11114 жыл бұрын
@ИринаТимченко-ф4ф4 жыл бұрын
Саша и Маша ,ребята вы класснючие!!от вас такой позитив бомбезный!!поцелуйте Масяна и Кирочку! Привет из солнечной Одессы!!
@Des_ss4 жыл бұрын
Привет из Одессы
@ШаповалИрина4 жыл бұрын
@fdd87ddfdg244 жыл бұрын
Love boy💋💋💞💞💕💕good bo💋💋💋💕💕💕
@lenasmuk92594 жыл бұрын
Спасибо, что рассказали об Ичелькиных последних днях. Какое счастье, что она уснула у вас на руках! Спасибо...
@ТаняГалицкая-д4р4 жыл бұрын
Вы наша семья, иногда с родными не так общаешься как свами, вы больше чем родня.
@irenklimova89354 жыл бұрын
Это точно! Стрима жду сильнее, чем встречи с родственниками😂😂😂
@2BBS4 жыл бұрын
@aaaalex99584 жыл бұрын
Сань, сбавь обороты. Ты нам всем живой нужен.
@Iampuma4 жыл бұрын
Я нечаянно))
@aaaalex99584 жыл бұрын
@@Iampuma (страшным голосом) СМОТРИ! Я СЛЕЖУ ЗА ТОБОЙ!
@aaaalex99584 жыл бұрын
@@Iampuma Поручили математику, геологу и студенту поймать льва в пустыне. Математик говорит: - Делим пустыню пополам - в одной из половин льва нет. Делим ту половину пустыни, в которой есть лев, ещё раз пополам, и так до тех пор, пока не получим участок пустыни размером со льва, в котором искомый лев и будет находиться. Геолог: - Лев не иголка - надо просеять весь песок через сито, и когда-нибудь он попадётся. Студент: - А у льва хвост есть? - Есть. - Тогда лишите его стипендии - сам прибежит.
@АльбинаРоманова-р6е4 жыл бұрын
Не дожлалась прямого эфира, смотрю повтор. Ребята, с праздником вас, пусть будет здоровье у вас и у ваших питомцев! Мы любим вас !
@ОльгаСнежкова-л6э4 жыл бұрын
Люди милые пожалуйста не мучийте Сашу и Машу им и так тяжело войдите в их положение закройте тему про ичельку нам всем тяжело
@МонинаЕлена4 жыл бұрын
Начните с себя!
@ksenialaikina57084 жыл бұрын
@@knittana5484 Какая разница? Это очень больно в любом случае.
@ksenialaikina57084 жыл бұрын
@@knittana5484 Это вы пишите страшные слова, если вообще не понимаете, что смерть близкого родного человека или близкого живого существа это очень больно в любом!!! случае.
@ЭсфирьЦарица4 жыл бұрын
@@knittana5484, люди писали, что потерю животного своего переживали сильнее, чем потерю близких. Верю им. Знаю сама. Но это не значит, что любили они меньше близких, чем животного. Так бывает. И зависит от многих обстоятельств.
@ОльгаМалышкина-й6с4 жыл бұрын
@@knittana5484,, когда умирает твои любимый питомец тоже очень тяжело, это тоже твой член семьи, когда слезы льются. Не поймёт тот, у кого животное ушло на радугу. А когда они болеют, то мы места себе не находим, лечим, выхаживаем, не спим ночами, самое главное чтобы они были здоровы.
@АнастасияУсольцева-э9в4 жыл бұрын
С Псхой вас и Месси тоже балуйте его почаще он такой лапочка так хочется месюню погладить ,дай бог вам здоровья у меськи самые лучшие родители!
@V.T.S.504 жыл бұрын
Как Месси сладко на подушке! А лапочки у него просто плюшевые и обнимают игрушечку!
@DungeonMasterLoki4 жыл бұрын
Greetings from New Orleans! Messi is a beautiful boy and obviously loves his family. Thank you not only for taking such good care of him but also for sharing him with the world. Both of my cats come running when they hear these videos, and the siamese in particular seems quite taken with him. These have been very uplifting as we hide out in quarantine (New Orleans is one f the epicenters for Covid 19 now)., and have helped lift my spirits on many occasions. You folks stay safe during all this, and scratch Messi under the chin for me!
@lilivd43594 жыл бұрын
Stay safe!
@evgeniabarilko46864 жыл бұрын
Сегодня Праздник. Пасха - праздник обновления и возрождения жизни. Чего вам и желаю, обновления и возрождения.
@imomediaimomedia66484 жыл бұрын
Oh Messi is a tired baby boy. Hoping the two of you are well and finding peace in your 💕. Sending love from America.
@Forever-rd7mg4 жыл бұрын
Ваша мысль про маленького гепарда, супер!!! У вас все получиться!!!
@mxcmxdmx4 жыл бұрын
Ахаха, Саша: «ты мне хоть что-нибудь скажи». Месси: «кря» 🤣🤣😂 любимый хитропопик мохнатый ❤️❤️💋
@dianaharvey25184 жыл бұрын
I love Messi! Such a pretty baby! Blessings! Diana, 🇺🇸🙏🏻🥰
@Mpolisha4 жыл бұрын
Спасибо, ребята, ходила по дому туда-сюда, ждала повторное подключение к эфиру, на кухне что-то поделала. Эфир начался, посидела полежала, опачки - уже вечер! Думаю, ну что бы полезного сделать, сделала тренировку слушая вас. Супер рада )) Сашино настроение в начале эфира и в конце - на душе тепло, что немного посмеялись. И Кира в конце такое солнышко :)
@ВалентинаНазаренко-с6ч4 жыл бұрын
Месси чистоплюй, усердно трудиться!! Умывается и лапки и лицо!!!
@МонинаЕлена4 жыл бұрын
Чистоплюй? Нет - чистюля!
@МарияЛавицкая-э5ш4 жыл бұрын
Почитала комментарии и вот совет: не берите никого пока есть Месси. Он вам заменит всех. Любите его он этого стоит. С ним вы можете объехать весь мир. Ичель вы будете помнить всю жизнь. Со временем боль поутихнит но не пройдет. А лучшее лекарство это Месси. Такого нельзя не любить.
@happybear46514 жыл бұрын
So sorry to hear about ichel,sosorry for your loss,you done your utter best,god will reward you and your kind hearts I have recently list my Maine coon cat to cancer
@makoVka9894 жыл бұрын
Христос воскресе!!! Всех благ вам, зрители и Саша и Маша и Месси)
@elenaivanova19774 жыл бұрын
1. Яйца и кулич не делали. 2. Утка была спасена из морозилки, потом из духовки. 3. Снега нет на терассе. 4. РАНа ещё свежа и горюют без камеры. Пришли от гарусных мыслей оторваться 5. Канал о пуме Месси. Не о репродукции дмитриевых ( за такие вопросы вообще покусать мало) 6. Каналу всего 2 года а Месси 4 года. Их уговорили а не завели кошек для бизнеса 7. Мессси кастрирован. Без комментов почему и зачем 8. Они против животных в клетках но и выпустить 100% смерть 9. Заводить новых зверей не собираются. Пока. Но вдруг будет отказник или ещё как судьба распорядится 10. ВСЕХ С ПАСХОЙ МИРА И ДОБРА 🐱🐯🌺. ( мне по русски трудно правильно писать живу в Германии 25 лет. Так что простите меня)
@ГригорийЛисов-в6д4 жыл бұрын
@elenaivanova19774 жыл бұрын
А и об Ичи мотайте на 1 час 12 минут
@iovannaahetova4 жыл бұрын
@elenapava88614 жыл бұрын
Христос Воскресе! Молодцы, ребята. Все-таки вы по-хорошему сумасшедшие. :-))
@LegalIris4 жыл бұрын
вообще нужно запретить животных в цирках! это издевательство надо животными!
@akajulz4 жыл бұрын
I can't come to their channel without crying. I am so upset about Ichel. I looked every day for a video of Ichel, and now I know why they didn't film her for over a week. Of course, it was the right thing to do, keeping it private. Messi is gorgeous and adorable but for some reason, I really connected with Ichel and her story. I feel so bad for Sasha and Masha.
@BlueSkye5264 жыл бұрын
Mightbyou share what happened to her, please? I have been looking for her.
@michaelhodgson90954 жыл бұрын
@@BlueSkye526 Hi, turns out that whilst looking to fix Itchels eyes, they found she had cancer in all the important places, try to find the last vid of her that spans 3 months, its explained in and amongst the comments. A tragedy ..
@BlueSkye5264 жыл бұрын
@@michaelhodgson9095 thank you. I found the video.
@eileenlee18674 жыл бұрын
I felt so bad too. I was looking forward to ichel becoming like messi. For them to play together. To be docile n domesticated. To finally feel the love of a pet parent. Then to die so suddenly so abrupt! It breaks my heart. It feels sort of empty. Like sumthing missing in their videos.
@michaelhodgson90954 жыл бұрын
@@BlueSkye526 it just makes me cry, all those years in a circus, then the best retirement ever, cut short by ill health ...
@marpl38824 жыл бұрын
Привет с Украины, ребята! Христос Воскресе! Рады вас видеть и котов)) пусть все будет у вас хорошо.
@Эльфийка-г5с4 жыл бұрын
Ребята! С Пасхой!Здоровья,радости,удачи,мира,добра! Божьей помощи,защиты!!!держитесь....❤️🌺🌸
@Iampuma4 жыл бұрын
С праздником светлой Пасхи!
@Эльфийка-г5с4 жыл бұрын
@@Iampuma 💖❤️🌺 Спасибо!!! Всё будет ХОРОШО!
@Фатима-л9м4 жыл бұрын
Такой сладенький Мессюша 💞💞💞🙌 Как сладко спит 😊🌞💞 Сашенька не болейте пожалуйста, выздоравливайте скорее!!! С праздником Великой Пасхой Машуля и Саша 🍮🍮🍮 Пусть в вашей семье царит счастье и любовь!!! Самое главное крепкого здоровья Вам!!!
@ОльгаКамович4 жыл бұрын
Со светлой Пасхой вас, пусть благодать Божья навсегда поселится в вашем доме.
@Iampuma4 жыл бұрын
Благодарим вас! С праздником!
@liliyamasyakina22504 жыл бұрын
Ура!Рада,что Вы возвращаетесь к Нам! Спасибо за лучик света в царстве печали!Хочу всех попросить не писать плохо о Дарье,бывшей хозяйке Ичи.Ребята,ну не могла она знать,о том что Ичи так больна, сколько Александру понадобилось применить инструментальной диагностики, сколько людей было привлечено к этому,и только совместно смогли выставить диагноз,проанализировав всё и вся.Дарь я Вас не знаю,но я верю Вам ,что Вы не знали.Спасибо Вам,что подарили нам всем интересные моменты в лице Ичельки.
@ЕленаПарфенова-я7в4 жыл бұрын
Я тоже думаю что в курсе была
@МонинаЕлена4 жыл бұрын
Дамы, вы плохо слышите? Пересмотрите стрим и внимательно прослушайте Сашу! Не надо быть стервами, пожалуйста!
@ОльгаПавловна-214 жыл бұрын
@@СтёпаСибиряк в моем городе ЛЮДИ за два месяца сгорают от рака (сейчас есть понятие ,,скоротечный рак,,), месяц назад обследование Ичи ничем не насторожило. А Дарья должна была заранее знать? Она нашла для Ичи хорошую семью только потому, что ,,коллектив,, не принял Ичи, а могла бы продолжать заставлять выступать или продать в зоопарк. Это о много говорит о человеке
@LiviBlack4 жыл бұрын
Пишут плохо о цирках, и на то есть причины. Не должны животные содержаться в цирке.
@elizabethroberts91174 жыл бұрын
Great To See You All Well This Morning That Was !!! Messi Cute Playing With His Toy! As Usual! Have A Good Day! Love You All!
@tamarasmirnova15374 жыл бұрын
Даже заплакала,когда смотрела ролик об ушедшей на радугу Ичель..😰😥Спасибо вам за позитивные видео в наше такое не простое время🙏🕊️💝
@rainheartsafs73174 жыл бұрын
Смотрю на пустой вальер и плачу. Спасибо ИЧИ
@io-oq9fj4 жыл бұрын
У Саши это может быть на нервной почве.Все вас любят!
@Tsvetochek-ok7ob4 жыл бұрын
Все верно,у меня так было
@НатальяМаравина-р4к4 жыл бұрын
@@Tsvetochek-ok7ob И у меня.
@valentinaliebrecht96854 жыл бұрын
Ребята,только на позитиве,и чтобы все ваши подписчики поддерживали вас...
@Доната-ч3ч4 жыл бұрын
Абсолютно точно , что Вас знают во всей Скандинавии, история Ваша аналога не имеет, особенно когда Вы жили в однокомнатной квартире и какой труд вложили в Месси , нас больше миллиона и все мы знаем, какие нежные и благородные у Вас сердца!!!
@Танягалимская-э8ы4 жыл бұрын
Спасибо что всё обьяснили, как это было тяжело, вам и нам слушать , но всё стало на свои места! Большого вам всем здоровья! 😘🙏
@viviana66514 жыл бұрын
Hola amigos ustedes son una maravillosa familia con un gran ♥️ , han sido momentos muy tristes pero ustedes hicieron todo lo mejor por la hermosa Ichel 😍 la que seguirá viva en el corazón de todos 💝 .Ahora deben continuar junto a Messi y Kira 😍 mostrando hermosos videos para todos los q les amamos 😍. un abrazo con amor desde Chile 🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱 y mucha fuerza !
@elenaivanova19774 жыл бұрын
И спасибо что вышли с нами на связь. Каждый по своему горе переживает. Я так вообще одна не могу, только общение. А плакать ночью. У вас утка, а мы открыли сезон окрошки и гриля (электро на балконе). Привет из Германии
@nastycourgette28794 жыл бұрын
Ахаха, рановато для окрошки. Но что-то тоже захотелось)
@elenaivanova19774 жыл бұрын
courg etten домашние очень просили. Да и для диеты мне лучше)) кефир да вода да овощи
@elenaivanova19774 жыл бұрын
Если этот кефир не закусывать печеньками из русского магазина. первый раз были. Муж от ностальгии 3 банки сгущёнки купил.
@playtesterhq68724 жыл бұрын
Ребята, как же я люблю таких добрых людей, как вы! Здоровья вам и долгих лет жизни!
@ВалентинаНазаренко-с6ч4 жыл бұрын
Не кошка, а целая МИЛОТА!!! Позволяет себя гладить и чесать!!!
@Наталья-о1х3и4 жыл бұрын
В том видео с кофтой просто поразило, насколько у Мессюши шило в попе, он просто ни минуты не сидел на месте. А на стримах, такой флегмат всегда, вот же хитрюга👍😍
@АленаКиселева-б2п4 жыл бұрын
Это от нервов он круги наматывает, ждет хозяев.
@АнгелинаАбрамова-з8э4 жыл бұрын
Наталья с собаками так же. как только хозяева за дверь они сразу места себе не находят, да в окно посматривают
@ОльгаПавловна-214 жыл бұрын
Стримы днём, а днём хищники спят, они сумеречные охотники, вот Масян и активизировался. Ну и волновался: куда ушли, да ещё с едой. Саша рассказывал, что Месси чувствует когда на работу уходят, а когда ,,внепланово,,. Реакция разная
@alifri65314 жыл бұрын
Он ждал Па
@ИгорьИванов-ч6м4 жыл бұрын
РЕБЯТА,спасибо ВАМ за ВАШУ смелость,выдержку и уважение к неравнодушным подписчикам! Несмотря, на горе и переживания, ВЫ попытались тактично и ,по возможности,подробно рассказать о том,что произошло с Ичелькой,это развеяло все домыслы,догадки и сплетни, спасибо. Спасибо Ичельке,что она БЫЛА и ,словно,яркая звёздочка вспыхнула и погасла, оставив свой неповторимый свет в каждом из нас.Помним и 💔❤️❣️ Ляля ХАРЬКОВ Украина
@Iampuma4 жыл бұрын
Мы так же как и вы были шокированы произошедшим. Такого поворота никто не ожидал. Ей не помогало лечение в течении двух недель, ей не становилось лучше, у нее появился кашель. Было решено снова делать наркоз и делать узи. Когда сделали узи и ужаснулись от состояния селезенки, врач попросила сделать еще и рентген. И его результаты добили окончательно..Легкие и все внутренние органы в метастазах, это была финишная прямая..Но мы не ожидали что она будет такая короткая. мы думали есть хотябы несколько месяцев и вдруг произойдет чудо. А была всего почти неделя..
@ИгорьИванов-ч6м4 жыл бұрын
@@Iampuma Сашенька и Машенька,дорогие мои,низкий ВАМ поклон за всё и безграничное уважение! Люблю искренне вашу уникальную семью,пусть с ВАМИ всегда будет Божья благодать и поддержка настоящих друзей. Берегите друг друга. Огромная благодарность ВАШИМ родителям за то,что ОНИ подарили ВАС нам, обществу прекрасных,образованных, интеллигентных и человечных людей с добрыми сердцами и необъятными душами!❤️ Всё будет хорошо!💕 Благодарю🙏🙏🙏С любовью и уважением Ляля
@пилатеснора4 жыл бұрын
Недавно подписалась. Смотрю все стримы подряд, наверстываю упущеное. Никогда не думала, что бывают такие люди как вы, Маша и Саша. Спасибо вам за то, что вы есть.
@v.valeria24274 жыл бұрын
Ребята,с праздником, спасибо за то что вы с нами! Вам и вашим питомцам сил, здоровья и много солнечных дней ☀️💛🤗Маша,вы сегодня замечательно справились и на позитивной ноте провели стрим, умничка! И Александр такой редкий мужчина,с таким высоким уровнем эмпатии и ответственности,вы лучше!
@Iampuma4 жыл бұрын
Сколько слез мы выплакали за эти дни вдвоем дома..Мы знаем что вы разделяете с нами эту боль, это для всех стало шоком. Мы хотели сделать эфир максимально не тяжелым, знаем что вы многие плакали вместе с нами и также улыбались сквозь грусть.
@angryuser56144 жыл бұрын
Ребят, вы классные! Спасибо за эфир! С праздником Пасхи, любви вам и добра! А Саше скорого выздоровления! .. носглаз..
@LiviBlack4 жыл бұрын
Смотрю на ваш замечательный уютный дом и возникает мысль переехать из Питера куда-нибудь, где можно жить в собственном доме))) Месси такой лапочка, хочется поцеловать в носик его🐾😻
@Iampuma4 жыл бұрын
дом это такой уют и спокойствие!
@eebilqqqq1504 жыл бұрын
Христос воскрес . Всегда смотрю вас радуюсь как ребёнок хотя мне 55 . Г Эибастуз
@ЕленаХарламова-у7ц4 жыл бұрын
Со светлой Пасхой ва всех!!!Счастья вам огромного!Здоровья вашим котам и Вам!!!Мира и благополучия!!!У Саша к концы эфира возмужал голос!)))Конечно все будут скучать по вашей девочке,но,я верю,что через какое то время вы попадаете себя новым питомцем,который для вас станет вашим другом!
@user-vg1mh8mq2p4 жыл бұрын
Месси, Маша, Саша, здравствуйте! Поздравляю со светлым праздником Пасхи! Мир Вам и Вашему дому, благополучия! Чтобы ненастья обходили стороной, в семье царило взаимопонимание, а за столом всегда собирались все самые близкие и родные!😇
@ЕленаНадеждина-р5ж4 жыл бұрын
Как грустно, что с нами нет больше красавицы Ичель. Но как удивительно, что Ичель, которую мы знали совсем не много времени. Так глубоко затронула и объединила сердца тысячи людей . Как приятно, что добрых и отзывчивых людей очень много . Любовь , красота и доброта спасут мир! Саше, Маше, Месси и Кире желаем крепкого здоровья!
@Людмила-е4н1я4 жыл бұрын
На сколько Саша неравнодушный,добрый,ответственный,что даже с ларингитом,когда лучшее лечение-молчание(покой и тепло), он готов каждому всё обьяснить,ответить. Я неоднократно повторяю,что у них золотые сердца и самые тёплые души.🤗❤💛 Да,досмотрев эфир до конца,хотелось бы добавить,на сколько раньше не любила сфинксов,но у ВАС даже сфинкс очаровательна🤗.
@manishapendse6434 жыл бұрын
We don't understand the language, but watching ur family we get happy. Even i don't know whether u read my comments or not but we love all of u and really respect u.
@annabondaruk45834 жыл бұрын
Manisha Pendse You can check translation a little bit later pinned under the video in a comment section
@karce774 жыл бұрын
They understand English mostly but it’s very hard for them to speak it
@namelastname54184 жыл бұрын
Hello, I'm sure that the guys go over each comment and reply as much as they can. They, also, know that the team of volunteers interpreters translate everything for the English-only speaking people and post it for you guys. Anna Bondaruk and I are some of those volunteers. You can go there and enjoy the translation.
@ОльгаКлючникова-з9д4 жыл бұрын
Ребята начала смотреть стрим, но что-то не заладилось. А когда подключились, то проснулся внук. Так что смотрю в записи. Спасибо вам за полезные советы и информацию. Могу слушать вас бесконечно. Здоровья и удачи вам во всём 🐾🐾🐾🐾😘😘😘😘
@Iampuma4 жыл бұрын
Спасибо! и вам здоровья и всего самого хорошего! с праздником!
@Фатима-л9м4 жыл бұрын
Машуля и Саша, я реально плакала и плачу сейчас за Ичель 😥😥😥 Очень обидно и очень больно.... Мои дорогие держитесь!!! Пусть душа покоится с Миром Ичель 🙏🙏🙏🙌🌹🌹
@nik-kn1xs4 жыл бұрын
@Tatjana * Я родилась в год крысы и за мою жизнь этот год ничем не отличался ото всех других годов. И пандемия здесь вообще ни при чем. Случилось то, что случилось. А личные трагедии у людей случаются ежедневно в о все времена.
@sunhappy26144 жыл бұрын
На счет домика для животного 100% с вами права. Они должны знать что где-то у них есть место , где никто их не тронет. Меньше стресса для них. Даже в таких любящих семьях. А вам ребята и всем тем кто любит ухаживает и заботится о животных, всем крепкого здоровья! Всех благ! И здоровья крепкого всем нашим братьям меньшим!
@МаргаритаПонкратова-ь1б4 жыл бұрын
Какая хорошая мысль:взять маленького гепарда!…😊Надо её выносить🙏Берите вместе с щенком(собакой)😘
@lisales40924 жыл бұрын
Это единственная верная мысль. Малыша Месси не будет трогать и быстро к нему привыкнет. Все видели как он волновался и ревновал к Ичель, как переживал, что любовь не только для него.
@ОльгаПавловна-214 жыл бұрын
@@lisales4092 а может он за Сашу переживал, что чужой хищник угрожает... А может чувствовал, что Ичи болеет, говорят некоторые домашние кошки умеют
@lisales40924 жыл бұрын
@@ОльгаПавловна-21 для него Ичи была конкурентом, о ней он ни как не переживал
@МаргаритаПонкратова-ь1б4 жыл бұрын
Думаю,Мэська переживал за Сашу уже,ситуация была уже тревожная последние недели 2,наверно,просто ребята не транслировали весь ужас…
@ИльяАбулашвили-ц9к4 жыл бұрын
Маргарита Понкратова А Месьеу в няньки пусть воспитывает ....
@волчьястая-я4ч4 жыл бұрын
Привет Маша как дела? Знай ты красивая,милая и сияешь как луна! Не грусти не надо лучше улыбнись Саша как ты? Потерял голос и время не из легких ! Ты непереживай всё обойдётся Мы с вами ребята и будем поддерживать вас всегда Знай ты настоящий мужик да и сердце доброе,будь я рядом обнял бы вас всех Месси пушистик ты наш,так бы и потискал тебя Приносишь радость в сердце и душу согреваешь Как всегда рано утром будешь? Ах ты проказник (Прошу прощения за ошибки)
@Вера-д6ц4 жыл бұрын
У Саши к концу эфира голос разогрелся! Ура!
@tatyanaberezneva80024 жыл бұрын
С Праздником Светлой Пасхи мои хорошие,мои любимые,мои золотые,безумно Вас Люблю,обнимаю ,целую и с нетерпеньем жду ваше видео!Спасибо,что нашли силы и вышли в эфир! Крепкого вам здоровья,счастья,пусть в вашей жизни больше никогда не будет горьких слёз,кушайте,спите и набирайтесь сил они вам очень нужны! Девочка ваша всегда будет в наших сердцах.............................
@lesliecarver34864 жыл бұрын
i wish I could understand what you are talking about. maybe you can subtitles
@tatyanaberezneva80024 жыл бұрын
@@lesliecarver3486 Happy Easter, my darlings, my beloved, my gold, I love you madly, hug, kiss and look forward to your video! Thank you for finding strength and broadcast! Good health, happiness, may there never be bitter tears in your life again, eat, sleep and gain strength you really need them! Your girl will always be in our hearts .............................
@janetr38954 жыл бұрын
Ребята, вы очень добрые и сильные.
@alloallo72294 жыл бұрын
Саша, Маша, Мессюша, Кирюша - вы замечательные!!! Кира за ноутом это что-то!)
@samanthabostic19024 жыл бұрын
Hi Messi. God bless you and your amazing parents. ❤
@ТоолонбекАдамкулов4 жыл бұрын
Ещё раз доказывается, что если вы хотите кого-нибудь воспитать, то без любви ничего не получится. Мне особенно нравится видео, где Александр и Месси читают книгу лёжа в постели. И конечно выступление Месси на выставке соревновании собак. Просто супер!
Саша и Маша, я ваш новый подписчик, смотрю недели две, залипла серьёзно))) Пересматриваю старые видео))) Вы мне очень полюбились, все без исключения, и неудивительно, что у таких воспитанных, тактичных и добрых людей такие очаровательные и умные кошки. Сегодня второй раз попала на эфир, пришлось несколько раз писать, чтобы ответили на мой вопрос. В связи с чем возникло предложение, создать рубрику- "вопросы от зрителей". Пусть под вашим видео пишут вопросы, ведь во время эфира, много вопросов остаётся непрочитанными. А так вы сами сможете выбрать вопросы и на стриме ответить, чередуя их с вновь поступающими. Так больше шансов быть услышаными, а вам ответить на те вопросы, на которые вы ещё не отвечали 😁
@ОльгаПавловна-214 жыл бұрын
смотрите прямые эфиры каждое воскресенье в 13.00 по московскому времени (очень редко меняется, за 2 года только 3 раза переносили), новые ролики про Месси по вторникам, четвергам и субботам
@Людмила-е4н1я4 жыл бұрын
Это дейсивительно лучший какнал,лучшие люди,лучший пумик🤗
@marinazp564 жыл бұрын
It is very nice to see you guys !! Messi gorgeous as always !! Warm hugs 🤗🤗😘🌻...
@tanjan71884 жыл бұрын
В конце видео Кирюша так смешно сидит за компьютером - главный модератор😸💗
@МонинаЕлена4 жыл бұрын
Там в конце Месси передавали привет и Кира во след ему так посмотрела😻милые кошачки😁
@АнастасияОлехова-и4ц4 жыл бұрын
кирочка просто решила взять все в свои лапки и по отвечать на коменты🐾🐾🐾
@robinabbott31074 жыл бұрын
Even though I can’t understand what your saying the language of love for animals is universal. ❤️
@ekaterinalevicheva57684 жыл бұрын
The full translation will appear later in a pinned comment.
@rbriseno87564 жыл бұрын
Did two hours just fly by watching Messi? Yes, they did! I thoroughly enjoyed. Dasvidaniya!
@larisikstefania4 жыл бұрын
У меня пропал голос после болезни и смерти любимой кроли. Это на нервной почве. Саша, молочко все же поможет.
@alenabelyaeva49824 жыл бұрын
Привет ребята! Не смогла вчера по присутствовать на стриме. Смотрю в записи)) Рада видеть вас улыбающимися))) Вы молодцы)) Всего вам, дорогие, самого лучшего! Берегите себя!)) Месик и Кирюша пусть вас радуют))) Ждем новых видео))) Солнышка вам! ☀️
@charon-18314 жыл бұрын
Have a Nice Day!!! Messi & friends 💓💓💓 Big Hug from... Myanmar Love You all 💋💋💋